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Author Topic: Tyrians Trinkets  (Read 42 times)


Tyrians Trinkets
« on: June 02, 2006, 05:05:59 pm »
I have for sale:  [SIZE=13]Lesser ability rings and amulets made to order, though I do have a good supply on me at all times. All styles all types.   2250 coins each.[/SIZE]  Platinum rings of many styles //+2 rings// To help against fire, poison, death magic and such  Silver rings of many styles //+4 to certain feats// To help with spellcraft, hiding, disciple and such  Bronze and Copper rings and Amulets of many styles //+1 variety//  Also I offer my expertise as a Jeweler for hire.  Do you have stones in your pack you are afraid to cut or make into dust for your crafts? Please contact me and at reasonable rates I will cut or grind them to dust for you. Most stones are elementary for me so no need to worry of failure. I may even have the appropriate dusts or stones on me and we can simply trade for your rough stones.  Also looking to purchase sapphires as well, rough, cut or polished. Rough prefered.  I also have a panther cloak for sale, //+3 sneak and hide//  3500 coins
  Dwarven iron axe with electricity II 10,000 coins
  Iron war hammer 2000 coins
  Cowards blade with fire II 7500 coins


RE: Tyrians Trinkets
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2006, 04:53:28 pm »
*pulls her old notice out from under others and tacks in in a prominent place, adding a few things as well*


RE: Tyrians Trinkets
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2006, 04:20:24 pm »
*finds many notices tacked over hers, she moves it to a spot a bit more prominant*


RE: Tyrians Trinkets
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2006, 09:35:02 am »
*sighs and pulls her note out from beneath the pile, being careful not to tack it over anyone elses*


RE: Tyrians Trinkets
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2006, 06:49:50 pm »
*takes the note out and pins it back up*