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Author Topic: Lion, Panther, Leopard, Cougar Skins for Sale or Trade  (Read 222 times)


Lion, Panther, Leopard, Cougar Skins for Sale or Trade
« on: June 25, 2008, 08:32:46 pm »
*A young dreamy-eyed female wemic sways by the stream at Stormcrest Crossroads, singing subtle and elusive tunes in a soft lilting purring voice. The music weaves in and out of the gurgling stream.*

*Lion skins, panther skins, leopard skins, and cougar skins are lain out around her. A large wooden bowl by her side has a few True, and a very rough charcoal drawing on white bark of a harp, lute, guitar, and cloak.*


Re: Lion, Panther, Leopard, Cougar Skins for Sale or Trade
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2008, 09:05:34 pm »
A redhaired woman stops by and smiles warmly at the music. She adds the melody of her own voice to nature's harmonies as she studies the drawings.  From her pack she draws out a golden harp and gestures at the piles of skins laid out beside the stream


Re: Lion, Panther, Leopard, Cougar Skins for Sale or Trade
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2008, 09:26:38 pm »
The wemic's eyes widen, and a toothy delighted grin ripples across the feline's face. She rises, her haunches quivering in excitement as she leans forward to sniff the harp, her song quickening and rolling in minor scales, and moments of poignant silences, to bring out the harmony of the stranger. One of her paws raises gracefully, and a single claw gently rolls down the strings of the harp, eliciting a deep rumbling purr from the throat of the wemic. She nods to the lady, eyes glistening slightly, and motions the skins. Then, unable to contain her excitement she let's out an off-key roar, and prances about, leaping and cavorting, until she lands again near the feet of the lady, a slightly embarassed look upon her face.

"Ashi love shining sun harp. Take what you want here for harp. Ashi light the night from dusk to dawn with sweet sun harp!"

Ashi opens her arms, motioning the skins. Then startles, and laughs, and opens her pack, to unwrap more boxes. Her nose twitches and she sneezes, and opens several boxes of beetle stink glands, bombadier beetle bellies, and fire beetle bellies.


Re: Lion, Panther, Leopard, Cougar Skins for Sale or Trade
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2008, 09:37:09 pm »
Katrien laughs softly at her antics. She pulls a soft blanket stitiched of leather squares and lined in cotton out of her pack as well, motioning hopefully in a recognizable way that the skins are to make blankets out of.
 Ashi  *points to the Wemic*   Katrien *points to herself*  *points to the piles of hides*  Ashi hunt for Katrien?  Warm skins for warm blankets?  *gestures to the blanket*


Re: Lion, Panther, Leopard, Cougar Skins for Sale or Trade
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2008, 12:46:59 am »
Ashi cocks her head, amused, and nods agreeably, grinning.

"Ashi learn to talk like two-legged slow-walkers from traders on ships. Talk good! And Ashi good hunter! Ashi hunt for Katrien. Katrien and Ashi make many many blankets! Any fur? Any skin? Or certain skins? How many skins for shining sun harp? Where bring warm fur skins?"


Re: Lion, Panther, Leopard, Cougar Skins for Sale or Trade
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2008, 09:34:33 am »
Ashi, the harp is a gift if you will bring the skins of warm animals to my home for me and those I know to make blankets for the needy.  
 I only ask that the skins not come from mother animals with babies, but from animals that are perhaps at the end of their days or from males that are without territory or animals that seek to harm the safety of travellers.
 The guards of the city will not let you pass as you may frighten the residents. I will meet you outside the gates if you let me know when you have more *she begins to gather the suitable skins from the piles and leaves the golden harp for Ashi*

