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Author Topic: LIONS BAGS FER SALE  (Read 48 times)


« on: March 08, 2007, 06:45:03 am »
 [SIZE=16]Dese foine Lion bags be helpin ya ta carry more stuff.   Wid me bein a crafter oi shuld know since oi always be carry'intwothree much stuff.   Only way oi be ayble ta is wid dese foin Lion bags.  Now ye know'in how much ten greenstone gems drag ye down, wid dese bags it only be feelin loike ye be carry'in six.  Same goes fer ever whatcha be carry'in.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Dese bags be garinteed by DORAND himself ta be impervious ta Orc's and Ogre's slashin at em.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Ye kin carry whatever ya please widout wurrin' uv breakin it too.  Make sure yer buyin da best bags. Look fer DORAND's mark on it oi say.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Now da hard part. Each bag will be settin ya back 9,000 True.   Oi no it be much True, but oi be makin a deal fer bulk orders.  If'n ye buy three bags oi give ye the therd fer 4,000 True. Dat be 22,000 True totals.  If'n ye buy four bags oi be given ye the fourth bag fer free. Dat be, hmm, 26,000 True totals.  Eny orders larger den dat we kin neg'iate make a deal.  [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=16]Now ye may be sayin' "Kurgin, ye be usin DORAND's name fer yer own benefit. Is dat a roight ting ta do?"  So oi be sayin' ye may think ye have a point, but ya dunt.   Wid dese bags oi be helpin udders ta be able ta craft more and DORAND blesses all crafters ya no.  Oi also be sellin dese ta ones without enuff True. Oi be willin ta trade bags fer me own craftin materials.  Oi also werk bags in udder materials too, Cougar, Crag and Malor.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Be careful what ye be buyin' dese days.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Oi had sum Gnome try ta git me ta sell parchment bags. Bah, stay away from em oi say. Dose will neber werk.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Enuff blatherin'[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Crafters Unite in theNameO' DORAND[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Kurgin Stormbrow, Hammer O' DORAND[/SIZE]