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Author Topic: Looking to buy or work off in trade...  (Read 444 times)

Ke' Koa

Looking to buy or work off in trade...
« on: September 25, 2008, 01:44:54 am »
*Posted at all major guild halls*

I am looking to strengthen my armour... I need a full plate made of bronze with a Kite Shield made of iron.  Currently checking for pricing or willing to work out a possible trade.  Please contact me soonest....

Dylan Strongbrew


Re: Looking to buy or work off in trade...
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2008, 04:41:36 am »
Ah, that sounds like a dwarven name!  Ye git the dwarven discount then... 25% off!  2500 fer the plate and 1500 for the shield, 4000 for both.  I should be able to make either in me sleep.

Or ye could make me a box of medium clay molds, or 2 boxes of small clay molds and trade outright fer those.  Send a letter to 128 Leringard if ye are interested or have any other offers.  I'll best any other offer the other crafters give ye, just show me proof of their offer or pricing.

-Bjornigar Ironguts

(I might be a bit busy this thursday or friday from 7pm-around 12amish est, but should be free this weekend to make an exchange)

Ke' Koa

Re: Looking to buy or work off in trade...
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2008, 10:18:14 am »
Working on the medium molds as we speak...

Ke' Koa

Re: Looking to buy or work off in trade...
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2008, 10:38:10 pm »
Bjnor -

Your molds are ready...



Re: Looking to buy or work off in trade...
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2008, 03:26:58 am »
oolright lad.  Should have the plate and shield ready this weekend!

(since we need to sign a new lease and visit the bank tomorrow, and I'm trying to get a diamond mining trip tomorrow night which still might get cancelled since the landlady keeps rescheduling on her whims, most likely saturday will be the first day I'm free)