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Author Topic: Items for Sale  (Read 191 times)


Items for Sale
« on: February 25, 2006, 07:38:54 am »
A number of slightly used, but in excellent condition items are for sale...

Lesser Monk Armor (+1 AC, +3 Discipline)           --   2,500gp
Oak Long Bow  (+1 To Hit)                          --   2,000gp
Ring of Cats I (+1 Dex)                            --   2,000gp
Belt of Cunning (+1 Wis, +1 Hide, +1 Search)       --   4,000gp
Lion Bag (%60 Weight Reduction)                    --  10,000gp
E. Belt of Cunning (+2 Wis, +3 Hide, +3 Search)    --  20,000gp

- Jade Willow

// find me in game, or PM me.


Re: Items for Sale
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2006, 07:59:13 am »
I, Fenrir Thornaxe, will buy the lion bag. Meet me on Dregar, the city of Pranzis.


Re: Items for Sale
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2006, 08:15:39 am »
Thorn Thistletoe will take that ring of cats, he is never far from Hlint.

