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Author Topic: Items for sale or barter  (Read 51 times)


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    Items for sale or barter
    « on: August 21, 2006, 02:00:16 pm »
    As you walk down the main street in Hlint, you see the following tattered note attached to the bulletin board in the Wild Surge Inn, flittering in the draft from the door...

    "Greetings fair gentles of Hlint and the surrounding area, I, Aldo Swiift, amateur procurer of mundane what-nots and forgettables would like to sell my various potents and plunder, accumulated over the last couple of months. My safe deposit box at the bank is full, my pack is overflowing, and my poor ox, Bess, cannot carry any more weight.

    As a fledgling bowyer, barters involving items required for the craft of woodworking would also be welcome. A list of the items on hand, as well as items that I am willing (and more importantly... able) to "acquire" is listed below.

    I can deliver as far as my skills will allow me to travel with some reasonable likelihood of avoiding the Soul Mother.

    Should you be interested in any of the following, or should you have any of the wanted items available, please send word in person, by messenger (human or animal), or attach your own note beneath this one. I am of Elven descent, and you will know me by my golden skin, long black hair, and pointy ears. I am frequently in Hlint, but if you cannot find me, I have met many fine travelers in Hlint that may be able to get a message to me."

    Thank you,

    Aldo Swiift

    Items that Aldo can gather/find for you-
    - Skeleton Knuckles (2 boxes on-hand *spoken for*)
    - Cotton
    - Flatbottom Pipeweed (raw)
    - Bags of Sand
    - Clay
    - Assorted species of Fish
    - Gum Arabic
    - Falcon Feathers
    - Deer and Badger skins
    - Goblin ears
    - Beeswax
    - Honey
    - Clover
    - Various other natural herbs and plant materials
    - Many other things that I cannot remember right now

    Specific items that Aldo no longer needs that he would like to
    sell or trade for something useful:
    - 3 or 4 magic scrolls (I apologize, but as I am no mage I don't know what they are.
      If I can decipher the script on them I will post which scrolls they are.)
    - A Magical Blessed Bird Feather
    - A trap kit
    - A Black Onyx
    - Some other things that I can't remember right now, I will update this list later.
    - My inventory changes constantly, as I throw things away or sell them to the pawnbroker
      in order to make room for things of higher value.

    Items that Aldo needs or wants-
    - Bags of Hickory Sawdust
    - Hickory Scrolls (raw hickory paper)
    - Hickory Parchment (cooked hickory paper)
    - Hickory Sandpaper
    - Spider silks for bowstrings
    - Healing potions of all strengths
    (I can provide skeleton knuckles for you to make potions for me, as well as an equal amount for your own use, in exchange for your time in crafting potions for me if you want)
    - An Iron Large Mace
    - An Iron Short Sword or similar weapon
    - I have heard of fine jewelry that would make me more nimble, or stronger
    - Anything else a young Elven ranger could use

    // This is my first post, I hope it is in proper form. Unfortunately, I simply don't have enough playing time to kill Orcs and chop logs all evening in order to make 30 bags of sawdust, convert that to 4 or 5 sheets of paper, and successfully cook those to make 1 sheet of sandpaper, which I promptly destroy on my first attempt to make anything, including more sawdust *laughs* So please msg here or in-game if you are interested in anything I have, or if you would like to barter. Thanks!
    // Aldo Swiift is a very young Wood-Elf Ranger3/Rogue2


    Re: Items for sale or barter
    « Reply #1 on: August 21, 2006, 02:10:21 pm »
    *Tia'sa'ru happens past the notice and takes a quill to the bottom*

    Young ranger I will prepare healing potions for you if you supply me with knuckles and honey.  I should like to learn to scribe and someone to collect honey for me would prove a tremendous benifit. One pot of honey and 3 knuckles will get you a mild healing potion, while 3 pots of honey and 6 knuckles will provide you with one much stronger.


    Tia'Sa'ru, Healer in Lucinda's service

    // PM me with a good time to meet.  I am available to play EDT Mon-Fri after 5pm


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      Re: Items for sale or barter
      « Reply #2 on: August 21, 2006, 04:33:32 pm »
      Thank you Tia'sa'ru, I will save the knuckles I have now for you, and will busy myself gathering honey this evening.



      Re: Items for sale or barter
      « Reply #3 on: August 21, 2006, 05:48:26 pm »

      I have an Iron heavy mace for sale as well as rings to help with your nimbleness and strength.  Seek me out and we can make a deal or post below and I shall check the list.

      My Thanks,


      Re: Items for sale or barter
      « Reply #4 on: August 22, 2006, 06:03:17 am »
      I am in need of bags of sand.
      We can negotiate a price or possibly trade goods that you may be interested in.



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        Re: Items for sale or barter
        « Reply #5 on: August 22, 2006, 12:16:10 pm »
        Wonderful Tyrian, I shall seek you out so that we may dicuss.

        Thank you


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          Re: Items for sale or barter
          « Reply #6 on: August 22, 2006, 12:16:57 pm »
          Greetings Pendar, how many bags of sand do you require?


          Re: Items for sale or barter
          « Reply #7 on: August 22, 2006, 02:38:24 pm »
          I require at least 160 bags.

          However, as long as you supply, I will take them.

          As sand can not be stored on your ox (they tend to slip off), the alternative is to produce glass for me as it can be stored on your ox.

          I am willing to take it by the box full as well as in lager amounts.
