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Author Topic: Pyyran's Potion Kits  (Read 65 times)


Pyyran's Potion Kits
« on: February 26, 2006, 05:57:57 am »
Looking to start brewing those healing potions the higher members of your church have been churning out for years?

Need simple reagents, but just can't find the time to get them?

Never can figure out just how many knuckles you'll need?

Well, Pyyran Rahth, adventurer by trade, is here to help!

He is now offering boxes of knuckles and vials for the low price of one hundred fifty gold each; just enough knuckles for four potions of a potency to cure most moderate wounds, and five empty glass vials, for your water-blessing needs.

Why spend the money on expensive potions, brewed by others?

Why spend the time, and risk, collecting reagents?

Why go to all the trouble and expense, when you can, for a low price, cut out the difficulty, by buying one of our potion kits?

Best of luck to all.

Pyyran can be reached by postal hawk.

