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Author Topic: Looking for suppliers  (Read 55 times)


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Looking for suppliers
« on: April 02, 2006, 06:58:18 pm »
* A soot covered piece of Hickory scroll hangs off the notice board in the trade hall*

Geddrin Swifthamma beh meh, I beh lookin fer folks with strong backs and the tiome ta spare ta supply meh with clay. Now I donnae noo ifn this beh a fair price or too much, please tell meh ifn I have erred sum o yoo more experienced types liokes But oi beh offerin 300 gold a box fer clay until such a tiome as I says no more. I'm hoping thet I can spend more tiome at meh forge in the Service o the priceless Gem and 'elp oot a ladd or lass that beh short o coin at ther same tiome liokes.
May Dorand guide yer arm ta perfectshun.
Geddrin Swifthammer, Hammer o Dorand.

// Just send a bird (or tell) or you'll find me getting round Hlint most days if you got clay for me.