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Author Topic: Acid robes for auction  (Read 45 times)


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    Acid robes for auction
    « on: February 04, 2007, 09:33:39 pm »
    I've come across a very nice set of robes that grant protection from acid. The label sewn inside the collar says that they protect on par with a greater acid resistance rod. Opening bid should be at least 15,000 coin, and increase in increments of 1,000 more. Please place your bid on this notice only, I do not want messages from the postmaster for this.


    //Acid robes, acid resist 10/-
    Auction ends Tuesday, Feb 6


    Re: Acid robes for auction
    « Reply #1 on: February 04, 2007, 10:14:59 pm »
    Trouble is, Gilli, they AREN'T an acid-resistance kit... Just robes. If they were the dust, one could add the resistance to a piece of gear they already used, but this way, they can't even wear their armor. Fine for a mage who stands way back, I suppose, but..

    Bought a set a while back for five hundred, and I've been pondering getting rid of it entirely. Care for it?

    ~ Pyyran


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      Re: Acid robes for auction
      « Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 01:47:55 pm »
      *Gilli pulls his notice from the board, and tosses it in the nearest trash can as he talks to himself*

      Silly Pyyran, of course it isn't a resistance kit. Oh well, guess I'll hang onto them. Not like I wear armor anyhow *chuckles to himself*