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Author Topic: Looking to buy  (Read 162 times)


Looking to buy
« on: March 24, 2008, 05:51:21 pm »

I am looking to buy some gear suited for the new adventurer.  I have a limited budget, being new in town.  But I would love it if anyone could give me an idea of going rates for items I might make use of.  In particular I am looking for a shortbow, longbows, leather armors with protection enhancements, any jewlery, helmets, boots or the like with abilities and non-metal weapons with abilities or enhancements.  Scimitars would be acceptable as an exception to the non-metal rule.  Leave me a message or find me aroud Hempstead.


//Needs to be usable by 8th level and under characters, so it can be used failry soon instead of collecting dust in the bank.  Feel free to PM me with some detials or a meeting time or just find me in game.  Thanks ~D


Re: Looking to buy
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2008, 05:57:21 pm »
I have leather outfit set aside for you.  I will find you soon.



Re: Looking to buy
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2008, 06:04:43 pm »
Well, if you are looking for economy, can I suggest black bear leather armor? I sell it for 1500 trues, and make a hide version for 2000 true.
I can also sell you a few different boots, boots of the boar are popular for those on a budget. With a little more information about what you are looking for (especially whether you want leather or hide armors) I may have other suggestions, or you can browse my listing in the trade hall for details. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to see anything I sell, or to arrange a fitting.

//black leather +3 concentration
boar boots: 1 save vs. disease, Concentration +3
Also, if you follow the link, there's an explanation about regular leather v. hide  armors.


Re: Looking to buy
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2008, 08:11:47 pm »
Thanks ladies.  Drexia, as I get more familiar with the heavier types of armors (//gain levels) I see a few items that I will remember you for.  And hide or leather is the same to me, as long as it is not an Iron Golem hide, I am good.

Much appreciated Emie.

Now anyone have any answers on the weapon front, especially on bows.  What does the differant type of wood mean. How much more effective is Oak than Hickory for instance.  (//I have no idea what if any differances the materials make.)  

I will be sure to speak to both of you when I see you.  And I like the looks of that polar armor.



Re: Looking to buy
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2008, 08:44:22 pm »
*A note is tacked to Aerimor's note*
Greetings Aerimor!
Glad to hear you are finally in the market for goods! I do have an oak shortbow for you, and a bronze scimitar. And I just added to my boots and armor selection (not yet had time to put a poster up on it, in fact).
So I will seek you out, or ye can leave a message for me at the Krandor General Store.
Saddlebag Pawn Shop


Re: Looking to buy
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2008, 10:50:05 pm »
No longer looking for Oak bows.  Might be interested in whatever the next step up is though.


