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Author Topic: Stardusts if ya want 'em  (Read 146 times)

Mastiff of Liv

Stardusts if ya want 'em
« on: December 27, 2007, 03:39:40 pm »
I've got a bunch of stardusts an' it seems some folks have interest in these things.  Let me know if'n ye want any of these.

100 true
Baraeon Ca'Duz (x2)  \\\\Bane(5)
Rofirein (x2)             \\\\Protection from Evil

250 true
Aeridin                \\\\Aid(3)
Aragen (x3)         \\\\Clarity(3)
Grannoch            \\\\Bull's Strength(3)
Pyrtechon           \\\\Flame Lash(3)
Prunilla               \\\\Endurance(3)
Sulterio (x3)        \\\\Deafening Clang(6)

750 true
Deliar (x2)           \\\\Remove Curse(5)
Mist                   \\\\Lightning Bolt(5)
Shindaleria (x4)    \\\\Healing Sting(5)
Vierdri'ira             \\\\Poison(5)

1100 true
Vorax (x2)          \\\\War Cry(7)

1400 true
Toran (x4)          \\\\Death Ward(7)

2400 true
Corath (x3)         \\\\Slay Living(9)
the Heavens        \\\\Hammer of the Gods(12)

3500 true
Dorand (x3)         \\\\Blade Barrier(11)

~ Durgen Stormbrow, Dwarven Magiker

I do hang out about Hempstead, Hlint and Castle Mask a bit if'n ya wish to track me down.


Re: Stardusts if ya want 'em
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2007, 05:09:44 pm »
* a hooded figure glances discretely around and takes up a reply*

My stubby, bearded friend.  I would be happy to lighten your load and take a few of those glorious dusts from your pack to alleviate your sneezing fits.  I will seek you out to purchase the dusts blessed by Deliar, Aeridin, Grannoch, one of Aragen, and that of the Heavens.  

Looks ta me as if a fair price fer the lot is 4650 true.  Throw in a barrel of yer fine dwarven brew of ale an' it be a deal.

~Every Mother's Tattooed Nightmare

Mastiff of Liv

Re: Stardusts if ya want 'em
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2007, 05:43:56 pm »
A barrel eh?  Aye, my tattooed friend, that can be arranged.


Re: Stardusts if ya want 'em
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2007, 06:58:02 pm »
I'll take the dusts of Toran off your hands and offer 4,500 for all 4... or an item you would rather have in trade.

Lillian Dartforth

Mastiff of Liv

Re: Stardusts if ya want 'em
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2007, 01:19:19 am »

I do be lookin' for an item but it be far more than four pinches of stardust.  Regarding true, I'd prefer 4800.  Hopefully we can meet up and discuss.

I should be easy to spot.  Outside of me brown hair, I be the only dwarf not wearing metal plate of some kind; although me huntin' garb do be platinum-reinforced.

~ Durgen Stormbrow

