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Author Topic: Looking for Lucinda's Touch potions  (Read 38 times)


Looking for Lucinda's Touch potions
« on: August 13, 2006, 01:58:44 pm »
*posted in various crafthalls where this can be made*
  I, Brac'ar Fireface Kilring, am looking for a person or a tradesguild that can supply me with Lucinda's Touch potions. Prices can be discussed. Leave a note here or send me a bird.
  *the note is signed with a flourishing signature*


RE: Looking for Lucinda's Touch potions
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2006, 06:19:09 pm »

I can make these with confidence.  Please look me up, I'm sure we can reach some arrangement.


Esimond Clearpeak

