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Author Topic: Mighty master wanted!  (Read 71 times)


Mighty master wanted!
« on: January 02, 2010, 05:23:47 am »
*A pitiful specimen of a goblin stands in the marketplace of Fort Vehl and calls out to the passing crowd*

Frrakk iss looking forr a mighty massterr of wizarrd man orr lady.

Not jusst a wizarrd who can fight weak gobbiess and koboldss and giantss. Pffft, even Frrakk can fight themss. Frrakk needss a rree-eeally sstrrong wizarrd forr eassy job.

If yousse knowss one then yousse tell themss Frrakk needss theirr sserrvicess and himss pay.



Re: Mighty master wanted!
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2010, 09:20:02 pm »
*Adder watches this display from the shadows of a small alley overflowing with the detritus of poor tenants from the nearby buildings. He casually waves a few corpse flys away, purses his lips, and blends into the crowd deep in thought.*

