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Author Topic: 'ouse Wanted  (Read 219 times)


'ouse Wanted
« on: September 17, 2005, 08:13:00 pm »
*Daren again walks into the Wild Surge clearing his throat about to make an announcement*

*coughs slightly* Par'n me, all o' ye...*he pauses looking around the room as the patrons turn to meet his gaze*

Ummm...I w's jus' wonderin'...since I gots a fiancee now, an we be needin' a 'ouse fer th' whole family thing an all.  So's ifn' any o' ye knows s'mebody thats got a 'ouse fer sale, or knows where we c'n buy one...jus' let me er Jil know.  Thankee kindly, all o' ye.

*He walks out of the inn somewhat proud of himself, this public speaking thing isn't as hard as he thought it'd be*