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Author Topic: Stacks of Fine Scrolls  (Read 79 times)


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Stacks of Fine Scrolls
« on: October 16, 2008, 09:56:02 am »
I have found myself pondering on ways I may aide in the adventurers backpack.

Many of those wizards and non-wizards a like may be adept in the use of scrolls, so I offer several small stacks of useful scrolls and I will take offers from those parties interested.  Many of these scrolls are of powerful incantations and I think would be of great aide to wizards and those gifted to use magical items.

Sphere 6 Scrolls: 18,000 true a stack of 3
Mass Haste(Scroll used to haste an entire party for apprx 11 rounds) sets of 3
Greater Stoneskin(Stoneskin 20/+5, 110 hps damage for apx 11 hours) sets of 3
Energy Buffer(40/- against elemental damage, max 60 hp, 10 turns) Stacks of 3
True Seeing(See Invis and hidden, aprx 11 turns) Stack of 3

Sphere 5 Scrolls: 10,000 true a stack of 3
Feeblemind(decreases Intelligence on sucessful melee attack, excellent against spellcaster, as it will strip them of some spells) Stack of 3

Sphere 4 Scrolls: 4000 true stack of 3
Elemental Shield(creates a magical shield against elements and damages attacks against the reader) stack of 3
Polymorph Self(Change into 1 of 5 creatures with varying abilities) stack of 3

This service I hope to provide to those in need of a caster when a caster is not handy.  I can also create other stacks not listed, this is just what I have on hand.  Please contact me with special orders, I am most interested in doing business with those wishing to learn the use of Al'Noth's gifts.  Prices can be negotiates with service and trades.

I also can scribe nearly any spell up until the 6th sphere, prices seen below:

1st Circle: 250 true
2nd Circle: 500 True
3rd Circle: 1000 True
4th Circle: 2000 True
5th Circle: 4000 True
6th Circle: 8000 True

Good luck

Elinmire Thel'dinarae, Battlemage


Re: Stacks of Fine Scrolls
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2008, 08:08:38 am »
Old friend if you can produce free movement as a scroll, please set to the task at once for there is not a moment to lose, the game is afoot

Brualot, Investigator, Arc of the Circle, servant of Katia etc etc


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Re: Stacks of Fine Scrolls
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2008, 07:26:53 pm »
My Dear old friend Brualot,
  Alas, I wish I could!  For it is a spell used by clerics, rangers, and druids!  I'm sorry but you might have to seek Plenarius if he is about, then you must have some profeciency in those types of scrolls, for I do not have it.  I wish I could!
   Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!


