The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => Trade and Market Hall => Topic started by: jan on May 22, 2008, 06:01:13 am

Title: Offering diamonds...
Post by: jan on May 22, 2008, 06:01:13 am
*barion puts up a poster in crafthalls around the continents *

Offering diamonds , raw , cut , polished or dust .

Seeking things that can make me better in battle .

Priority would be armor better then my current cobalt full-plate and a shield better then my current adamantium one .

Send me a message when you are willing to provide me with better gear and we can talk about the payment.

Barion Firesteed.
Title: Re: Offering diamonds...
Post by: jan on May 27, 2008, 01:28:04 pm
*Barion puts his poster on top again sighing *

" Is it me ? ...or doesn't any one have better gear ?...i can't imagine the latter .....guess people don't like the idea of me getting stronger ...."
*He shrugs and walks off *
Title: Re: Offering diamonds...
Post by: darkstorme on May 27, 2008, 08:48:09 pm
Shortly after the hulking figure walks away from his posting, a slender figure steps out of the darkness under the eaves of the Trade Hall, near the bulletin board.

He takes a small vial of ink from his belt, a quill from his sleeve, and busies himself quickly with the freshly-tacked poster.  A few seconds later, he blows on his handiwork and silently walks off into the night.

It may be just me, but those who can procure better equipment than you have listed here (and have it to spare!):

The note is unsigned.
Title: Re: Offering diamonds...
Post by: ShiffDrgnhrt on May 27, 2008, 08:56:43 pm
And since the only thing better then Cobalt is Mithril, and that stuff has become rarer then ever...  Ummm...  No one is exactly going hunting for it just to give it to you, Rooster

Title: Re: Offering diamonds...
Post by: jrizz on May 27, 2008, 10:36:57 pm

May I suggest that you sell your diamonds to crafters looking for such gems at a bulk rate pricing. I am sure you will earn quite a bit of true that way. With this true you can be ready to bid on those rare items you are looking for when they come up. Look for a Druid named Elgon he is in need of what you have.

Wren Thendor
Title: Re: Offering diamonds...
Post by: jan on May 28, 2008, 07:09:31 am
* Barion reads his poster and removes the responses sighing , he puts them next to the board and replies *

Unknown person .

This poster has been up long before the fatal occurrences , so your comments are inaccurate .

I am well aware that people can get their own diamonds , but with the time and route that needs be made to collect them , i found that people are lazy and rather trade them then get them themselves . Not to mention that most off the time you end up with two to four minerals a trip .

From what i am seeking it will be clear that i don't offer just a few diamonds , but an amount that took me months to gather .

unknown person 2

I am well aware that mithrill is rare and has become rarer then it was and i know people wont go out to collect it "just " to get it to me .
The reason it is now so rare , is the fact that it has been "over-mined " the last couple off years and if you take that into account it is very possible that someone has gear laying around that isn't in use since with the exception off two or three pieces none has ever been offered in any trade-poster .
It is those things that i am hoping to get my hands on .

Mister Wren.

Since these items never seem to come up in offer on trading-posters , i don't see why i should sell them for coins .
Diamonds can be used to trade for scrolls that bring fellow adventurers back to this world if they have fallen .
About Mister Elgon , i have offered him something that goes farther then just him getting his hands on diamonds and i think he is trying to make up his mind on how to react to my proposal .