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Author Topic: orc basher shop  (Read 14527 times)

Lance Stargazer

Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #80 on: July 03, 2009, 10:34:52 am »
*Lance aproaches and start to check over the orders *

Quote from: geloooo
I'd like to place an order for Greater Fire, Cold, and Electric Resistances as well as two vials that can give my weapon a pulsing red glow that will be distinguishable by others! I believe it's 20,000 True for a rods of such quality, as well as a discount for multiple items. Send word to 240 Haft Lake in Prantz. Great deals be upon you!

-Obadiah Bagful

*He smiles and start to gather the things over, then dispatch a messenger to the said direction*

Sir Obadiah, your order is ready to be delivered, We'll Get you as soon as we can .

The orcbashers shop

//Please poke any of us when you are online.. The order has been placed on the chest for customers for easy reach. yet I know you can't get there. So poke any of us to do the delivery.

Quote from: Pseudonym

4 x Wands of 'Hammer of the Gods' if such are still available.

Arkolio Salvorre

*he Arcs an eyebrow observing the note *
Pinky? *shrugs* Well

*he Sends a messenger as well to Arkolio.

Sir Salvorre

We are looking thru our wares to see if we can fullfill your needs, there are still some places to look, and we'll sent you answer soon.

The orcbashers guildshop

Quote from: Masterjack
I would like the following:

1 addy heater shield
1 intermediate lightning enchantment
1 electrical visual
1 hood of the shadows
1 gnomish lens

I believe with the 20% discount for 5 items it comes to 35,600 true.

Buddy Tenker

P.S. I have a two ingots of addy to trade in for the shield.

*Lance takes the note and Write it down an answer but stops , he then put the note on his pack and pass to the next One*

Quote from: merlin34baseball
*tacks a note up by the door*

I respectfully request a dwarven made suit of copper full plate, which must fit my shorter and fatter brother, and a ring of wisdom, that fits a taller and thinner human hand, to help us see The Father of Battles light.

My Thanks, and in His Praises,
Samarra Stonebreaker

*he does a quick search over the warehouse and return quickly with a copper full plate and a ring putting them on the customer chest as well*

Milady Samarra.

The items you requested are ready to delivery, As the last time, they are in the chest for for delivery for customers, The price will be 3467 trues  , appling the discount for multiple items.

Thanks for your preference.

The orcbashers guildhall.

*he then moves back to warehose to keep looking for the rest of the wares*


Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #81 on: July 08, 2009, 01:44:19 am »
*Samarra and Urick enter the guild hall checking for the dwarven quality of the merchandise*

//thanks Lance, we'll pick it all up tomorrow//

Lance Stargazer

Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #82 on: July 09, 2009, 05:03:57 pm »
Your Graces.

I've delivered the rest of the trues I owed you for your fine wares. ( Making 1620 trues )

In hopes to keep myself  in your trust.



Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #83 on: July 10, 2009, 12:44:31 pm »
*Samarra puts a note on the counter*

Another ring to help me see the wisdom of the Father of Battle please.

For The Father,
Samarra Stonebreaker

//Wis 1 ring please//


Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #84 on: July 10, 2009, 05:47:16 pm »
*A very neatly written note is placed on the counter.*
 Ah wid like tae buy a set o' Platinum Reinforced Clothing and/or a set o' Normal Rogue Armor, dependin' on hoo they look oan me.
 Dae ye huv changin' rooms ah kin use tae see if ah wid like baith sets, oar jist wan?
 ~~ duchess

Lance Stargazer

Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #85 on: July 14, 2009, 06:03:56 pm »
Lance arrives at the store and look over the orders. With a heavy sigh looking at the dates he took the notes and start to read them

Quote from: merlin34baseball
*Samarra puts a note on the counter*

Another ring to help me see the wisdom of the Father of Battle please.

For The Father,
Samarra Stonebreaker

//Wis 1 ring please//

*He writtes down*
As always Miss, we are looking into your order and we might have not a problem to fullfill it. Please bear with us. And I'll send word soon , if you haven't get comunication already. The price for the ring as Was stated before would be 2250 true ounces of gold on the queen currency.

The orcbasher guildshop

*Added on the below of the note*
The Ring is ready for you to pick up miss.

Quote from: Xaltotun
*A very neatly written note is placed on the counter.*
 Ah wid like tae buy a set o' Platinum Reinforced Clothing and/or a set o' Normal Rogue Armor, dependin' on hoo they look oan me.
 Dae ye huv changin' rooms ah kin use tae see if ah wid like baith sets, oar jist wan?
 ~~ duchess

We'd be more than happy to provide this wares to you. I am quite sure that We have in existance the Platinum reinforced, just please allow us to check on the other vestment, again I'll send a messenger to you when we have news for you. For your convenience I add the prices of the wares you requested . The Reinforced Plattinum is 6,000 trues and the other vestment is 12,000. May I remind you of our discount policy. If you buy both vestments, you'll get a discount of 5 trues per hundred.

And of course we'd allow you to use a changing room without any charge.

We'll send word to you shortly.

The orcbasher guildshop

*Added lower on the same note *
We recieved your petition and of course will be not a problem of delivering the goods outside hempstead, I must inform you that the wares are ready to be delivered at your conveniece.

*Once written the notes he starts to move back to the ware house instructing some of the aprentices to help with the sorting and localization of the new goods *


Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #86 on: July 15, 2009, 09:21:19 pm »
//a note is placed on the counter//


I placed 2194 coins in the crate today. I will be by to place the other 59 coins in it this eve. Also we are in need of a ring of strength to help my shorter, fatter brother haul his armor around in the name of Vorax.

My Thanks,
Samarra Stonebreaker

//Str +1 ring please//

Lance Stargazer

Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #87 on: July 15, 2009, 09:30:32 pm »
Quote from: merlin34baseball
//a note is placed on the counter//


I placed 2194 coins in the crate today. I will be by to place the other 59 coins in it this eve. Also we are in need of a ring of strength to help my shorter, fatter brother haul his armor around in the name of Vorax.

My Thanks,
Samarra Stonebreaker

//Str +1 ring please//

*Lance casually passing towards the store*

The ring is already placed in the delivery chest, miss. The price is as usual for this kind of rings. 2250 trues.

The orcbasher guildshop


Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #88 on: July 16, 2009, 12:11:44 am »
*smiles as she picks up the ring*


May I please have a set of boar boots? These ones, *looks down at her shoddy boots* have been slipping far to much in battle. Also could you let me know how much a small oak bow is? Seems there is a lazy guard who needs one.

My Thanks in The Father of Battles Name,
Samarra Stonebreaker


Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #89 on: July 16, 2009, 12:25:12 am »
*sighs as she returns to the store and leaves a note on the counter*

Sorry to trouble you again. My shorter fatter brother decided he needs an iron double bladed dwarven axe. Somehow he thinks he can cash in a bounty for a head and afford it.

My Thanks, Praises to Vorax,
Samarra Stonebreaker

Lance Stargazer

Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #90 on: July 16, 2009, 03:11:46 pm »
*Lance is seen cleaning the post of the store with some concern, cleaning the actual board for fullfilled orders, after some moments and removing some letters storing them in a file, he frowns as he finally find the note he has been looking for.

*he put it on a visible spot over the board and start to make some notes *

Quote from: SteveMaurer
A note is left in the Orc Basher's chest -

Dear Mistress Firesteed,

I would like to place an order for two platinum rings with feldspar. Among my many varied interests, I have recently become fascinated with the subject of undead orthodontics, and am in need of temporary protection against death-spell abilities while I examine my involuntary subjects to determine why such powerful life-giving abilities are concentrated in the teeth of the unliving.

This order is made on the presumption that, when two rings are worn, their protective effects layer. If you know that this not to be the case, then please cancel this order- Lady Z. .

As we discussed miss, We'll contact you soon with an answer of this wares. Again we extend an apology on the delay.

The Orcbasher guildshop.

Quote from: merlin34baseball
*smiles as she picks up the ring*


May I please have a set of boar boots? These ones, *looks down at her shoddy boots* have been slipping far to much in battle. Also could you let me know how much a small oak bow is? Seems there is a lazy guard who needs one.

My Thanks in The Father of Battles Name,
Samarra Stonebreaker

Quote from: merlin34baseball
*sighs as she returns to the store and leaves a note on the counter*

Sorry to trouble you again. My shorter fatter brother decided he needs an iron double bladed dwarven axe. Somehow he thinks he can cash in a bounty for a head and afford it.

My Thanks, Praises to Vorax,
Samarra Stonebreaker

*Lance takes the notes and smiles just before start to write down back the note*

We'll look towards your petitions. We'll send word to you once we got sure that we got your needs, as usual your patience is thanked and apreciated*

The orcbasher guildshop

// PM Sent

*Lance hurries to the back of the store and start looking for the wares humming all the way *


Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #91 on: July 17, 2009, 12:48:41 pm »
*he leaves a note on the counter*

Ta 'oom it may conc'rn

Oi'd loike ta buy a set'a iron chainmail an' an iron great axe. 'Ere's tha kicker, though, 's got ta 'ave been made by a Dwarf.

Also, Oi 'eard ye got'a pink 'aired lass ther' what knows somethin' 'bout the Kuldjargh. In addition ta tha arm'r Oi'd loike any infermation on 'is an' on someun'
goes by Grenna.



Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #92 on: July 18, 2009, 08:14:09 am »
*A very neatly written note is placed on the counter.*

Dear Mr Lance, thanks fur deliverin' ra claes tae me. Ah'm so impressed, ah wid like tae order anither set o' Platinum Reinforced Clothing.

~~ duchess

Lance Stargazer

Re: orc basher shop
« Reply #93 on: July 18, 2009, 06:51:46 pm »
Lance reaches for the store and look over the new notes , smiling he took them off and acomodates them on the board for easy sighting

Quote from: Shiokara
*he leaves a note on the counter*

Ta 'oom it may conc'rn

Oi'd loike ta buy a set'a iron chainmail an' an iron great axe. 'Ere's tha kicker, though, 's got ta 'ave been made by a Dwarf.

Also, Oi 'eard ye got'a pink 'aired lass ther' what knows somethin' 'bout the Kuldjargh. In addition ta tha arm'r Oi'd loike any infermation on 'is an' on someun' goes by Grenna.


Masterdwarf Noka:

We'll procure your needs as fast as we can, please bear with us, our weaponsmith is Master Kurgin, another of your honorable kin, and I am sure he'll be more than happy to procure a fine weapon for your needs, as a Dorandite, he might find pleasure on doing so.

We'll inform when the order is ready. The price will go for 5500 trues for the iron Chainmail and 2300 trues for the axe. your buy of two items made you get a discount of 5 trues per each 100. So the grand total would be : 7410.

We'll inform you when the wares are ready to deliver.

About your other request, I'll pass the message, that is all we could offer I am affraid.

The orcbasher guildshop.

The items are ready to be picked at the delivery chest

Quote from: Xaltotun
*A very neatly written note is placed on the counter.*

Dear Mr Lance, thanks fur deliverin' ra claes tae me. Ah'm so impressed, ah wid like tae order anither set o' Platinum Reinforced Clothing.


~~ duchess

*Lance put the other post and look over the other messge he recieved, pondering he put the message back he puts the note over the board and put a bit seal with the word Pending Over it , before he heads back towards the warehouse and some minutes after he is seen entering the crafthall *

Kolby Rylan

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    Re: orc basher shop
    « Reply #94 on: July 19, 2009, 02:07:30 pm »
    I would like to place an order for the following...

    One iron long sword
    One copper full plate
    One Large Iron shield

    Would like the total for this.
    Also what would the cost be for a set of the lowest rings with an amulet enchanted with strength of a bull? Are there any supplies you are in need of now that could help with these cost?

    Kolby Rylan

    Lance Stargazer

    Re: orc basher shop
    « Reply #95 on: July 19, 2009, 05:32:21 pm »
    *Lance picks up the notes and start to arrange them *

    Quote from: Kolby Rylan
    I would like to place an order for thefollowing...

    One iron long sword
    One copper full plate
    One Large Iron shield

    Would like the total for this.
    Also what would the cost be for a set of the lowest rings with an amulet enchanted with strength of a bull? Are there any supplies you are in need of now that could help with these cost?

    Kolby Rylan

    Dear Rylan Sir:

    Its with great joy that we recieve your order. And will try to Give it an answer as soon as we can. We need to check for availability of your goods.

    The sword is already placed in the delivery chest, for your easy reach. The armor Is actually being transported and will be done soon. As for the shield I am curious if you desire a Large shield made of iron or a kite one,.  If its the large one it will be done once we recieved confirmation. If the second one we have that in existance for the inmediate delivery.

    (( Large shield is +2 AC , 15 lbs , and Kite is +3 , 25 lbs )

    As for the prices :
    The iron long sword goes as 1800 trues
    The Copper full plate stands for 1400 trues
    And the shield I add both shield prices for your consideration.
    Iron Large shield  =  2100 trues
    Iron kite shield   = 2600 trues

    As for your order you'll recieve a 10 % discount of the total of the order acording to our policy of discuouts ( this for being 3 items in the order )

    In hopes of haring from you soon.

    The orcbasher Guildshop

    Kolby Rylan

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      Re: orc basher shop
      « Reply #96 on: July 19, 2009, 05:51:19 pm »
      Quote from: Lance Stargazer
      *Lance picks up the notes and start to arrange them *

      Dear Rylan Sir:

      Its with great joy that we recieve your order. And will try to Give it an answer as soon as we can. We need to check for availability of your goods.

      The sword is already placed in the delivery chest, for your easy reach. The armor Is actually being transported and will be done soon. As for the shield I am curious if you desire a Large shield made of iron or a kite one,.  If its the large one it will be done once we recieved confirmation. If the second one we have that in existance for the inmediate delivery.

      (( Large shield is +2 AC , 15 lbs , and Kite is +3 , 25 lbs )

      As for the prices :
      The iron long sword goes as 1800 trues
      The Copper full plate stands for 1400 trues
      And the shield I add both shield prices for your consideration.
      Iron Large shield  =  2100 trues
      Iron kite shield   = 2600 trues

      As for your order you'll recieve a 10 % discount of the total of the order acording to our policy of discuouts ( this for being 3 items in the order )

      In hopes of haring from you soon.

      The orcbasher Guildshop

      Thank  you for the quick response.  I think I would rather have the iron kite shield.  Also do you have a price for the set of jewlery?

      Kolby Rylan


      Re: orc basher shop
      « Reply #97 on: July 19, 2009, 06:59:33 pm »

      Could you please add a second oaken shortbow to my current order? Seems lopping of goblin heads pays well.

      In The Father's Name,
      Samarra Stonebreaker


      Re: orc basher shop
      « Reply #98 on: July 19, 2009, 08:13:12 pm »
      Quote from: merlin34baseball

      Could you please add a second oaken shortbow to my current order? Seems lopping of goblin heads pays well.

      In The Father's Name,
      Samarra Stonebreaker


      I believe we have several of those in stock at the moment. I can select one for you and place it in the customer pick-up chest, or you may come in and select one to your liking yourself. In either case the price will be 2,000 T.

      ~ Caerwyn Ahrail'lan

      Lance Stargazer

      Re: orc basher shop
      « Reply #99 on: July 20, 2009, 11:28:40 am »
      Quote from: Kolby Rylan
      Thank  you for the quick response.  I think I would rather have the iron kite shield.  Also do you have a price for the set of jewlery?

      Kolby Rylan

      Dear Rylan sir:

      The rest of your goods are ready to be picked via our delivery chest, That is A full copper full plate and an iron kite shield , We already retrived saw that you have picked and paid the sword, We certainly hope it serves you well.

      As for the order : the grand total would be 4930 trues . Since you already paid 1800 trues , there is only 3130 trues to cover .

      As for The jewerly you ask :
      Each ring of the first power is worth 2250 trues
      And an amulet with the same properties is worthh 2700.

      Thanks for your preference

      The orcbasher guildshop

      Quote from: merlin34baseball

      Could you please add a second oaken shortbow to my current order? Seems lopping of goblin heads pays well.

      In The Father's Name,
      Samarra Stonebreaker

      Miss Samarra :

      The other bow is already placed on the delivery chest .

      The orcbasher guild shop