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Author Topic: Grote the half Giant for Hire.  (Read 88 times)


Grote the half Giant for Hire.
« on: March 31, 2006, 03:13:14 am »
[SIZE=18]*Penned noted in very neat hand writing*[/SIZE]
  I Sin'dolin have been asked to write this Poster for Grote.
  Grote is a Hard working fellow who will happily follow any boss to do wood chopping and Rockbashing(mining).
  All he askes is to be protected so he can do the job.He also makes a very good pack ox for carrying the items Mined.
  He likes gold and sometimes items of use to him.
  Employeer has to agree to protect Grote to,during and from the gathering point.
  Payment will be discussed before departure.
  He is a good natured fellow so give him a chance.
  //Posted due to RP with Grote and the fact he cant read and write.

