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Author Topic: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale  (Read 124 times)


Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« on: November 07, 2007, 04:13:00 pm »
[SIZE=16]Meticulously gathered over decades of adventuring, a stock of powerful and rare items is released for sale...[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16][SIZE=24]Items of Particular Note[/SIZE]
 Dusty Rose Ioun Stone
 This "lucky rock" is in fact a magical crystal which, when given a simple mental command, will hover and dart in circles about the possessor's head, weaving an invisible, magical barrier that helps force away any and all threatening objects, from a swinging sword, to a flying arrow, to a falling raindrop. Quite rare, this stone in particular was found deep in the bowels of the Rift.
 In Honor of Shadow
 This belt's history is mysterious, and perhaps not meant for so public a medium. Needless to say, the design was invented by a powerful being as a gift to those who had helped it in a task of monumental difficulty and importance. Recently, copies both wondrous and shoddy have sprung up. This belt in particular is, as far as any and all means this appraiser has to tell can show, the genuine article.
 Price is Tr60,000
 //+4 Deflection AC vs Undead, Acid Resist 10, Spell Resistance 20
 Exceptional Belt of Cunning
 A brilliant masterwork piece, this belt is heavily enchanted to improve the wearer's perception, and, additionally, protect the wearer from electric shock. The buckle is tooled with platinum and gold in the shape of a running elk, and small blue beryls set around the belt glimmer with a faint blue light.
 Price is Tr50,000
 //+2 WIS, +3 Hide, +3 Search, Electrical Resist 10, Dim Blue Light
 Stone's Boots of Protection
 Designed by Melizaphei Hilliaraname during her time rebuilding the Pools of the Weird, the details of these boots' creation were eventually passed on to the libraries in Vairvand. A group of Elementalists there copied the design and modified it to fit the daring traveler's needs. Soon, many of these were being sold to enterprising adventurers and the odd item collector.
 This particular set of boots was designed to deal with the environment in the primitive Pool of the Earth, protecting the wearer from the natural acid pools it contained, and allowing for focus in the unstable environment. Now, the design finds far more use by those that deal with the many spells of the elements, or those who simply have a tendency to get into unstable situations.
 Price is Tr18,000
 //+1 Dodge AC, Acid Resist 10, +4 Concentration, +4 Discipline
 [SIZE=16][SIZE=13]Pink and Green Ioun Stone[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]This magical crystal, often referred to as a "lucky rock," is activated by a mere mental command. Like all of its kind, it rises and begins whirling about the possessor's head. However, unlike its dusty rose counterpart, this one does nothing to protect the possessor from attack. Rather, it magically increases the possessor's natural force of personality, along with a minor physical glamour increasing the possessor's comeliness. Spherical in shape, the shattered colours of pink and green catch the light quite nicely.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=24]Arms and Armor[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Enchanted or Otherwise Unique Arms and Armor[/SIZE]
 [/SIZE]Last Defense Greatsword Tr2,000
 //+1 Enhancement, +3 Enhancement vs Monstrous
 Coward's Blade (2) Tr1,500
 //+1 Enhancement, Expeditious Retreat (5) 1/day
 Hamaji's Fan (3) Tr3,000
 //+2 Enhancement, +1d10 Slashing
 Bloody Lash Tr2,000
 //+1 Enhancement, OnHit Wounding DC 16
 Adler (2) Tr2,000
 //+1 Enhancement, OnHit 25% Confusion 3 Rounds DC20
 Swashbuckler's Sabre Tr2000
 //+1 AC (deflection), +1 Enhancement, +4 Parry
 Bolts of the Destroyer (99) All Offers Accepted
 //+1d8 Fire
 Bracers of the Scouts All Offers Accepted
 //+1 Armor AC Darkness (3) 1/day, Camouflage 2 charges/use, 6 Charges
 Bracer of Many Needles Tr1,000
 //Manticore Spikes 1 charge/use, 5 Charges
 Snake Fang Tr500
 //DC14 1d2 CON
 Non-Magical Arms and Armor
 Adamantine Buckler Tr10,000
 //+2 Shield AC
 Adamantine Falchion Tr12,000
 //+2 Enhancement
 Adamantine Trident Tr12,000
 //+2 Enhancement
 Adamantine Shortsword Tr12,000
 //+2 Enhancement
 Mahogany Longbow (Extra-Strong Pull) Tr13,000
 //+2 Attack, +1 Mighty
 [SIZE=16][SIZE=24]Cloaks, Boots, Gloves, Belts, and Errata[/SIZE]
 [/SIZE]Glorious Mantle (2) Tr5,000
 //+3 Deflection AC vs. Animal, +2 vs Cold, +2 vs Fear, +2 vs Fire
 Cloak of Az'Atta (3) Tr2,500
 //Sanctuary (2) 2/day, +4 vs Poison
 Boots of the Militia (2) Tr6,000
 //+1 CON, +1 Fort, +1 Will, +2 Concentration, +2 Discipline
 Blue Suede Boots Tr7,000
 //+1 DEX, +1 CHA, +2 Tumble +2 Perform
 Ascender's March Tr6,000
 //+3 Dodge AC vs Elemental +3 Dodge AC vs Giant +3 Dodge AC vs Goblinoid
 Gloves of Fury Tr2,000
 //+1 STR +1 Parry +1 Taunt
Gloves of the Scouts Tr3,000 (Sold!)

 Gloves of Swordplay Tr500
 //+4 Parry
 Gloves of Spellcraft (2) Tr500
 //+4 Spellcraft
 Belt of Acquisition (1) Tr2,000
 //+1 DEX +4 Pick Pocket Expeditious Retread (5) 1/day
 Crow Feather Necklace All Offers Accepted (Held on winning bid.)
 //Spell Immunity: Darkness
 Parasol of Shock Redirection Tr2,500
 //Electrical Damage 50% Immunity
 Skin of a Dire Tiger (3) Tr500 ea.
 Deadly Holy Trap Kit Tr500
All prices negotiable. Leave name if interested. All sales and bids final after one week. //24 hours.//

[SIZE=10]All efforts will be made to conclude those transactions which are closed... However, if the winning bidder is unable to make arrangements to finalize the deal (making payment, receiving the item, etc.) within one month of the closing bid, bidding will be reopened. //One week.//

[SIZE=13]Scribed by Damer Kasis of Brenuth[/SIZE]


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2007, 04:24:29 pm »
I would like to buy the Rose Ioun Stone
 Randi Tyyne


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2007, 05:02:22 pm »
I'll bid 7.000 true for the flying rock .



Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2007, 05:06:32 pm »
*stops in to check on the delivery of the stone*  

I didn't realize these were up for auction.. I thought it was all at set prices.



Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2007, 05:07:39 pm »
I bid 4,000 true for that crow feather necklace. As an aside, I didn't realise anyone from Brenuth was literate.

Arkolio de'Averlain


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2007, 05:08:59 pm »
"All Prices Negotiable" is gone over again in red ink.


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2007, 05:13:18 pm »
I would like to take the Gloves of the Scouts and also the belt of Acquisition, for a total of 5,000 true, if they are still available.


Lareth Vathach

//A Short description of Lareth follows, appended to the bottom of the note


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2007, 07:14:06 pm »
*you see a note scribbled below*
**Use Caution with this seller**

Seller will send a bird with a message telling you when and where to pick up your item. Then once you have started your journey to get the item he will send another bird with a other message telling you that someone has offered more than the asking price so your time traveled was wasted.


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2007, 09:31:56 pm »
You have some things I want...  I will find you...

//Stephen, I'll talk to you on IRC about it


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2007, 09:49:42 pm »
**In a different, easily recognizable and angular hand than the original notice.*

My apologies again, madame, as I stated in my note to you. I did not think the first lucky rock would attract much attention, and went ahead too quickly with my first note. I apologize for any inconvenience; it should be stated, however, that I sent word immediately upon realising there was another bidder.

To clarify, all prices are negotiable - up or down - and any offers can be outbid. Sale is final as of one week from date of bid - and I have this notice checked with all possible regularity.

No further notes will be sent until each bid is secure.

**It is signed with an elegant P.*


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2007, 04:32:18 pm »
**The notice is added to, and brought back to the front, and a note placed at the bottom.*
 Bidding closed on: Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Belt of Aquisition, Gloves of the Scouts, Crow Feather Necklace.


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2007, 04:33:41 pm »
*barion walks in and checks the notes *
"Hmm..might as-well start on collecting flying rocks .."

I'll offer 9000 for the pink and green flying rock .



Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2007, 05:14:28 pm »
15,000 for the stone that you have left
Voon Loom


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2007, 07:14:48 pm »
*grumbles as he sees the other bid *

17,000 for the pink and green flying rock.



Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2007, 10:43:09 pm »
**Sighing, Pyyran reads over the numerous reports sent back to him by bird about his auction, and glances at the empty spot for correspondence from those "closed" bidders... He drafts another note, and has it sent to be added to the original notice.*

All efforts will be made to conclude those transactions which are closed... However, if the winning bidder is unable to make arrangements to finalize the deal (making payment, receiving the item, etc.) within one month of the closing bid, bidding will be reopened.

//If I can't get in touch with you to at least start trying to sort out times to trade off, bidding'll be reopened - and you with all the jink! Don't be afraid to outbid people. ;)


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2007, 07:05:47 am »
*voon mumbles a few words as he sees*
If only i was around to continue bidding that would of been mine


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2007, 05:06:47 pm »
Bidding closed on: Pink and Green Ioun Stone


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2007, 05:31:51 pm »
I would like to purchase the Stone's Boots, and I am willing to pay the listed price of 18,000 trues.


Re: Rare and Wonderous Items for Sale
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2007, 01:02:41 am »
Apologies for delays - Bidding closed on: Stone's Boots of Protection

