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Author Topic: Mes gut Heeling Drinks fur sale  (Read 69 times)


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Mes gut Heeling Drinks fur sale
« on: October 07, 2005, 10:57:00 am »
*you see a note pinned up with awful hand writing on it*

Mes gut nice heeling drinks fur sale, mes add extra ingredients to make dem taste nicer dan da otha drinks otha people makes. Dey cheep aswell.

Little (//light) heeling drinks are 10 gulds each
Middly (//moderate) heeling drinks are 20 gulds each
Blessing drinks are 25 gulds each
Holy watars are reel cheep, com see me bout dem.

Mes maynly make da healing drinks on demand so orda now and mes make with some quicklyness

*you notice a small subtext that is barely recognisable*
Mes make little healing drinks fur free and middly drinks fur 5 guld each when yoos bring the bones mes need to make dem.

ThjordGard RageThrower


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RE: Mes gut Heeling Drinks fur sale
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 11:12:00 am »
Brit Forgeheart would like 100 of your medium type heal potions .... I am usually around Hlint .. or if you see my wife to be Ireth ... let her know and she will find me.

OOC - off and on this weekend with work, but Monday anytime good for me


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RE: Mes gut Heeling Drinks fur sale
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2005, 03:39:00 pm »
//Someone is gonna say something to you as they did to me ... you're selling them too cheap and putting all other healing potion sellers out of business with that low of a price ... though in truth, I do not know where this standard of sale has been set to say that you and I are selling too low in the first place.


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RE: Mes gut Heeling Drinks fur sale
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2005, 05:07:00 am »
OOC - sell as you see fit ... it is your effort and time .. like I sell Copper Full plate armors for 500 and iron longswords for 1000

