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Author Topic: Scrolls for Beginning Mages  (Read 121 times)


Scrolls for Beginning Mages
« on: September 27, 2005, 11:32:00 pm »
In a well practiced hand, the following is written and found posted in the Wild Surge and Leilon Arms.

Attention would-be wizards-- Do you find your spellbook is a little thin? Tired of trying to impress your friends with the same old cantrips? Is your teacher being a little stingy with the spell sharing? Why not augment your scant knowledge with some of the most practical spells?

Since I am not a mage, I can't use the knowledge on the following scrolls to its full potential. However, I can understand their basic meaning. As an Aragenite, I feel compelled to share this knowledge with those that would find it more useful. But of course, as a bard, I feel compelled to have someone else buy my drinks. This is where you come in. Catch me anytime and we'll share a drink, a story, and a scroll. But remember, you're buying. And I don't drink the cheap stuff.

Here's a list of the scrolls I have, as near as I can figure:

Identify (for when I'm not around to tell you about something)
Cure Light Wounds (a lifesaver)
Summon Creature I (everyone needs a friend)
Grease (a very slick spell)
Expeditious Retreat (if you can't outrun your foes, at least outrun your friends)
Magic Missle (the direct, safe way to slay)

Web (for sticky situations)
Sleep (it's not just for nighttime anymore)
Summon Creature II (everyone needs a friend that can rip your enemies to shreds)
Cat's Grace (as useful on the battlefield as it is in the crafthall)
Endurance (why not live through a battle for once)
Darkness (as useful on the battlefield as it is for jokes around town)
Ghostly Visage (they can't hit what they can't see)
Find Traps (before they find you)


Ifion Witseeker
~~ the working adventurer's bard ~~

// on Mistone most evenings 8-11 PST


RE: Scrolls for Beginning Mages
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2005, 09:47:00 am »
what are you asking for the summon II scrolls?


RE: Scrolls for Beginning Mages
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2005, 03:49:00 pm »
 I am not Beginning Mage but I do lack some low end spells.
If you have these let me know I will buy them.

1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Ray of Enfeeblement (Necromancy):
Scare (Necromancy):
Horizikaul's Boom:

2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Blindness/Deafness (Enchantment):
Ghoul Touch (Necromancy):
Knock (Transmutation):
Lesser Dispel (Abjuration):
Ultravision (Transmutation):
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter:
Gedlee's electric loop:
Stione bones :