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Author Topic: Weapons for sale  (Read 90 times)


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Weapons for sale
« on: June 10, 2005, 08:18:00 am »
*Note posted at the Inn at Hlint, Krandor, and Port Hampshire*

To those who seek weapons of quality ...

Argos is making weapons and his quality is of no other, if you have a need for a particular weapon, let Noss or Argos know.

With the supply of some items, and with the demand so low, we sell these weapons at 50% the going rate
(OOC - 50% lens pricing)

Currently have five Iron Long Swords amd one Iron Short Sword, but Argos can make you the weapon you wish.
Iron Long Swords are being currently sold at 1000 gold

Argos does seeks a belt, one that would help him with strength and or dex.  Also seeking enchantment for his personal axe.  Seek Noss and he will pay you an agreed upon value.

Copper, Bronze, Iron Weapons can be made is short order.
Platnium Weapons is not as easy for Argos, he will take orders for such, but there may be a short delay in delivery

Noss, Nossyla Steele, Healer, at yur service

OOC - Argos is not able to play during the week with his current schedule, but should be on Friday Evenings and some Saturdays.  Noss plays East coast time, Argos plays Central time ... actual real life brothers

Talan Va'lash

RE: Weapons for sale
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2005, 05:08:00 pm »
//Its a bit questionable to be advertising at 50% I mean, it could be used as a special limited time deal, but its not going to help the economy if you plan on consistently underselling.  Also, you should have little trouble selling them for lens price especially a popular style like a longsword.


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RE: Weapons for sale
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2005, 03:30:00 am »
I understand your statement sir, and normally would agree with you, but it is a simple supply and demand issue with the economy.  You for one have had a posting for quite some time, and I see a lot of the same merchandise on the list as when it started.  When the Demand for such items starts to get a bit closer to the supply of these items, then the pricing will go up.  But I see at this time no need to change my pricing, as i feel the current normal pricing (lens pricing) to be so high, especially when the demand is just not there.  A simple supply and demand issue, nothing more, please don't take it personal, is not intended to be personal, pure business.


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RE: Weapons for sale
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
//i agree that the economy wont suffer a major blow because you sell 5 swords at half your price (i believe the lens is higher than 2000 gold right?) But lets say you do this and 5 other people does the same. Well then we might have a problem, the market prices are already somewhat low as it is. The lens was created to guide, and prevent another "collapse" of the economy of Layonara. I actually think the lens had a major update right after the breakdown. I believe its wrong to say that the lens price is too expensive. It was made so for a reason. My opinion. Sorry for interrupting your thread.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Weapons for sale
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2005, 02:32:00 pm »
//Yeah, sorry for making this a discussion, If you'd like, after we're done I'll delete all my posts so your thread can be clean.  

I've sold a lot of stuff thats listed in my thread.  I must have sold about six iron longswords since that thread started, iron rapiers, quarterstaffs, a bunch of other iron weapons and some bronze weapons (only including weapons in this discussion).  But, i have several of many items and I dont list quantity.  And in many cases i craft/aquire more of the things that I sell, and my list isnt going to change unless I run out of something for an extended period and have to take it off the list.

Here's the important point: demand is not as related to price for durable goods like weapons and armor (yeah I slept through most of economics.. but I remembered a few things :P)

For example:

The town of Hlint 5000 years in the future has 100 people.
20 Dishwashers are for sale.
5 people need a dishwasher.
The prices of dishwashers are suddenly halved.  

Regardless only 5 dishwashers are going to be sold.
Everyone else that already has a dishwasher isn't going to say "wow, thats cheap.  I could use two dishwashers!"  and go buy another.  

So, for durable goods lowering the price will not increase demand.  This is doubly true of weapons IG because they will never wear out.

...Perhaps dishwashers werent a good example because lowering the price of dishwashers might make some people that had previously decided they could live without one change their minds and buy one.  But that faction is non existant in Layo as well... I dont think anyone has decided to live without a sword.

Anyway, The above example of low elasticity is only true for durable goods (which means... durable stuff, stuff that lasts a long time and is not a consumable.)

The Price/demand curves for consumables are highly elastic:  If you halve the price of potions, people will buy more potions because well, they're consumable, you can always use more.  Arrows are the same way.  Prices go up, people will buy a lot less (where as they would likely still buy a sword even if it went up) prices go down, people wil buy a lot more.

In conclusion, you are basing your pricing strategy on an incomplete understanding of supply and demand and price elasticity.  The only logical reason to undercut prices is to steal buisiness from competition, and you need not undercut so low to accomplish that (and really, the best way to steal buisiness from the competition is to be very available to the customer as "I want to buy an iron longsword NOW!" often takes precedence over a price difference.)

Sorry for the essay on economics *shudders* I think... I just like to debate things.... ;)



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RE: Weapons for sale
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2005, 05:09:00 am »
I ask that this thread be deleted.

Reason I dont delete my postings, is it may be inapropriate to delete my posting yet leave other posting and confuse people who may read them.  and I have no authorization to ask or even to actually delete someone elses postings.