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Author Topic: Goods on offer  (Read 141 times)


Goods on offer
« on: May 19, 2006, 06:47:53 am »
Don't Forget to support the relief of Roldem

Available for immediate delivery :

Fine jewelry including those to aid in abilities  and NECKLACES of SHIELD

Platinum Chain Mail   //AC bonus +2, Discipline +3 ( L11)

Adamantium Chain Shirt   //AC bonus +1, Damage reduction 5/1, Parry +3 ( L15)

EXCEPTIONAL Belt of Cunning  // +2 Wisdom, +3 Hide, Search ( L14)

Orcish Dwarf Razor with Cold Enchantment  // Iron Greataxe , 1d6 cold damage, bonus 1d6 vs dwarf  (L11)

Iron Warhammer  treated with Lightning and Silver   // 1d4 Electrical,  and  1d4 vs undead (L13)

Bracer of the Scouts // AC+1 (armor enhancement) Camoflague and Darkness as a spell

Crow feather Necklace //Immunity vs. darkness

Iron Reinforced Clothing  //+1 AC
Adamantium  reinforced clothing  //+3 AC

Scrolls of magic through the 4th circle

An assortment of elemental weapon enchantments

SHORTBOWS and longbows, crossbows  crafted of your choice of OAK or  Mahogany

Arrows of Oak and Mahogany  with various fletchings;most with Iron or Bronze tips
//Oak 1d4 bonus damage, Iron 1d4 vs constructs, Bronze 1d4 vs animals.
Mahogony bouses are 1d6.

Arrows or bolts can also be MADE to ORDER to your choice of fletchings/arrowheads.

BAGS CRAFTED OF LION HIDE // weight reduction of 60%, any may use
Bags crafted of cougar Hide     // weight reducyion of 20%, any may us

Fine LEATHER armors for ALL skill levels.

Iron weapons of various types.

…and much much more
See Katrien or Jharl at the Leilon Arms on Freas.
or if your need is immediate, contact us by post or bird.

(trades always considered)


RE: Goods on offer
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2006, 08:03:55 am »


Re: Goods on offer
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2006, 10:23:48 am »
//What's the level on the scout bracers, and are those 1/day, or charge-based?

