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Author Topic: looking for mithril, mithril shield, and an ammy  (Read 39 times)


looking for mithril, mithril shield, and an ammy
« on: January 10, 2007, 10:16:08 am »
I am looking for some mithril, if you have any errant nuggets or ingots that you are willing to part with please contact me. If anyone out there has a mithril kite or tower shield that they are willing to part with please let me know. Lastly if anyone has a amulet of endurance of the third power they are will to part with please let me know.

Wren Thendor

*chuckles to himself as he posts this* I am sure to get some very funny replies.


Re: looking for mithril, mithril shield, and an ammy
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2007, 11:13:03 am »
*digs through the posts and moves this old and tattered post up*