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Author Topic: Star Dust of Beryl  (Read 44 times)


Star Dust of Beryl
« on: May 27, 2006, 09:20:55 pm »
* In a fine script *

Find a Stardust of Beryl?  Have no need for such things?  I will purchase or barter.  Name the
reasonable price or trade.

I also buy dusts of Toran.

Find me in town... black and red silk armor.  Short straight black hair.  Ask Treana or Freldo to
point me out if you see them.

Addison Scarlace

// pm, LORE bird, IG tells all accepted.  =)

Black Cat

RE: Star Dust of Beryl
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2006, 12:49:41 am »
I have one. Selling it for 5000gp.  Look here  Allean D'oremm