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Author Topic: 173 Blackford - Rooms For Let  (Read 197 times)


173 Blackford - Rooms For Let
« on: September 05, 2005, 07:00:00 pm »
I have three fine rooms available for rent in 173 Blackford.

- You will have access to your room and the common areas.
- Upstairs is completely off limits except to pay rent.
- There is a teleport available in the common area for use by boarders and their guests.
- You will not make any copies of your key. It is your room, not you and your friends.
- Rent is 1000 gold per month (//RL week)
- Decorations are up to the boarder in their space.
- Those that follow The Lady Lucinda prefered, those not following those friendly to The Lady need not apply.

Please leave a message for Sago Spellfinder and you will be contacted for an interview.


RE: 173 Blackford - Rooms For Let
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2005, 09:31:00 am »
*A new note is posted below the other, in the above note, the 1000 gold is crossed out*

Well it appears that 1000 gold per month is too much to ask for my fine rooms. We will try 500 gold per month and see if we have any takers.


RE: 173 Blackford - Rooms For Let
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2005, 09:40:00 am »
*Regnus sees the note posted and stops to reply*

I would be interested in one of these rooms.  While I would prefer to have a room in Hlint near the temple, I will admit that Blackford is not far.  

I would like to see this room before commiting to a contract however.  I do not follow Lucinda, but her close ally and friend, Ilsare.  Please let me know when I can come take a look at one of these rooms.

Regnus Fatorum
Priest of Ilsare


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RE: 173 Blackford - Rooms For Let
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2005, 01:30:00 pm »
I would maybe be interested, but only if you don't mind a deityless wizard that is seeking conversion to the faith of Deliar.
  //I know that Deliar isn't in the allies list for Lucinda, but Lucinda is in the allies list for Deliar.