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Author Topic: Woodsman Wanted  (Read 53 times)


Woodsman Wanted
« on: December 05, 2007, 12:38:30 am »
Greetings to all who read this note!

My name, in the common tongue, is Therise Silverstar, and I seek to make a name as a crafter of fine musical instruments.  Unfortunately, in order to do so, I will require a steady supply of wood - which, due to my lack of training with any such tools, I cannot cut myself.  Thus this request.

I will provide twenty true per log of hickory, for those who simply wish coin, or I am amenable to a trade of goods or services; if you wish a song sung of your great deeds, whoever you are, I graduated among the top of my class from one of the finest bardic schools on Voltrex.  I am certain I can do you justice.

If you seek me, I will doubtless be in and about Hempstead.  I'm the fetching young elf who can't stop fceewa rhyming.

I look forward to meeting you, my unknown benefactor.

Therise Silverstar


Re: Woodsman Wanted
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 12:56:04 am »
*Arkolio, champion of the bardically-gifted & fiscally-challenged, sends a letter*


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Re: Woodsman Wanted
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2007, 04:18:25 pm »
Walking by the posted note, Dalan Stoneaxe stops to read the words listed.  
 Hmm might not hurt to have a bard know me name if I can ever get me inn started.  Dey do seem to bring in customers too.
 With those words running through his mind, Dalan stops to pen a few words on the bottom.  
 While I not be normally in de business of woodcuttin for others, I have been cuttin hickory lately to cook me salmon.  I am sure I could cut some more logs for your use in exchange for some future songs.  Leave a note at de Angels Guild in Port Hemp and I will try to meet ye at yer convience.
 Dalan Stoneaxe

