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Author Topic: Knucklebones, aloe, honey, bits o' sand, and more!  (Read 330 times)


Knucklebones, aloe, honey, bits o' sand, and more!
« on: December 05, 2007, 06:55:17 am »
*ambling through the streets of Hempstead or Hlint occasionally is seen a tall woodsman in a faded green wool cloak, leading an ox laden with sand and clay and wood, chanting in a melodious voice his wares. Ye may recognize him the next time ye see him, by his mischievious grin and amber eyes, and by the unusual double goatee and ratty reddish-brown hair framing a distinctive face that makes one wonder if his father was an ape.*

"Riven's wares, for ye!
For you maidens fair, raven feathers for your hair
Honey and honeycomb, fresh from the hives,
Aloe and yellow mushrooms, and chives.
Bits o' sand for ye to keep,
To grant the kiss o' sleep.
A box o' knucklebones for gamblin'
Or perhaps for necromantin'.
Worry not, these bones aren't from your relatives."


Re: Knucklebones, aloe, honey, bits o' sand, and more!
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 02:33:00 pm »
I will take a steady supply of Aloe and I can pay in gold or enchanments beyond your imagination.

Magus Del'Mar


Re: Knucklebones, aloe, honey, bits o' sand, and more!
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2007, 12:35:11 pm »
*The travel-stained wanderer slows his ox to take in the mage's statement. A wide grin splits his face as his eyes widen in astonishment.*

"Enchantments beyond my imagination?"

*his eyes unfocus as he gazes out across the cobblestones*

"as in...wings to fly with? or a necklace to grow gills to explore under the deep? Or to grow wolf legs to run with? Tiger claws to climb the tallest peak?"

*a hearty laugh bursts forth, and his fierce eyes turn back to the Mage*

"My stomach is rumbling as I walk down the lane,
Chanting my wares, the sand and fruit of the earth,
Hoping some lord can afford others to do their dirty work,
And all the while dreaming of lamb pies...
And now some Enchanter casts a spell of Wonder upon me,
Offering....more than I can dream of... for a small shrub?
Lamb pies be dashed! There are higher dreams sparking here!
Come then, Riven! Find a plot o’ soil and nurse those babes to fullness.
Until ye are ready for bright and noble deeds, as Warder, Ranger, Tracker,
Until then ye shall be a farmer! Call me the Aloe Pappa!"


Re: Knucklebones, aloe, honey, bits o' sand, and more!
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2008, 05:21:17 am »
*Note tacked to bulletin board at Scamp's Mug in Hempstead*

Please pass this on to Magnus Del'Mar if ye see him:
Seems i've missed ye each time I come to Hempstead, but I've got two boxes of Aloe for ye, and a box o' Comfrey, if ye need it. Looking to sell these soon, so let me know when and where I might find ye, and I'll come looking.
At your service,

