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Author Topic: Spell Components  (Read 43 times)


Spell Components
« on: July 25, 2005, 11:57:00 am »
*signs posted in various inns  in Mistone*

Imagine yourself in this all to familiar situation:

You have tracked the big, ugly ogres back to their lair. They are sitting around eating and laughing at each others really bad jokes. You step out into the open. The ogres see you and take ut their clubs, but your not worried. You are a powerful wizard. These ogres will die in a matter of seconds. you begin to cast your fireball spell, but then you realize that you have no more spell components. Nothing happens, and the ogres beat you into a pulp.

Never let this happen to you. Your smarter than that. make sure that you have all the spell components you need before hand, and I, Drake Evermont, would like to help you. I sell a variety of components at the best prices around. If you are interested please contact me. I am usually in the Hlint area.

Here are my prices and current stock:

Glow worms           3 gold
licorice root        100 gold
Bat guano            100 gold
Carbon Powder        100 gold
venom Sack           150 gold
Small Iron Chain     100 gold
Black Onyx           200 gold
Iron Rod             150 gold
Flask of Oil         3 gold
Bee's Wax            20 gold
Glass Eye            150 gold
Bottle of Water      30 gold
Bit of Sand          30 gold
Incense              750 gold
Statue of Glass Man  750 gold

I will try to keep you updated on my current stock. Hurry, supplies are limited!


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    RE: Spell Components
    « Reply #1 on: July 25, 2005, 12:55:00 pm »
    *Small note, tacked underneath*
    Urmm considering, that one can get a bronze weapon for 1000 gold. These prices are outrageous.


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    RE: Spell Components
    « Reply #2 on: July 25, 2005, 01:08:00 pm »
    *written in tight, careful script*
    Also, most of the components you list here are easily purchaseable from the various other merchants in town for far less than you are asking.  You are probably best off doing more research on your subject material and potential customers before trying to start a business.

    Ars Lifbahn


    RE: Spell Components
    « Reply #3 on: July 25, 2005, 01:24:00 pm »
    *written underneath*

    Get some dust of opal, than we'll talk.


    RE: Spell Components
    « Reply #4 on: July 26, 2005, 02:57:00 pm »
    *a new poster is tacked up over the old one*

    After consulting some experts on spell components, I have learned that I was sorely mistaken with my prices and what I should have in stock. I think I will return to perfecting my music.

    Drake Evermont

    //Sorry, I didn't realize how overpriced everything was. My lenssaid that it was worth far more. Thank you for calling me on it though.//

