In-Character Forums > Trade and Market Hall

Trade Board at Center

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// Bron is seen pounding a stout oak post and bulletin board into the ground in Center//
// Carved and burnt into the wood are the following words: //

Trade and Market Board
Post what you seek and how to find you. [/b]

// Bron pins a parchment to the board //

Seeking 50 quartz crystals - freshly mined, unwashed, not bought from a store.
50 True paid for each.
Drop off in the "Barter 1" chest in the hall of the Crimson Company Guildhouse.
186 Haven


(notice is taken down)

Seeking Vestments of Faith.
Have coin, will pay!
~Riven Ring-Cleaver, of the Saddlebag Pawn Shop

I have such a cape for you, Riven.
Seek me out.


Bron posts a crudely writen notice:

I, Bron of Cailomel and Crimson Company, seek a Greater Swordsman Belt. If you have one for sale, leave a note for me at Cailomel's or at the Crimson Company Guildhouse in Haven.

And, posting for a friend who is still learning the trade tongue:
Isbjorn is offering sand and clay at 40 True each. Leave a note for me and I'll let him know.
He's a stout old barefooted dwarf with very tanned skin and white hair, dressed in bear fur, named Isbjorn.


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