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Author Topic: Auction - Rare shield  (Read 373 times)

Black Cat

Auction - Rare shield
« on: July 06, 2011, 12:16:17 pm »
*a notes is tacked on the notice board*


[SIZE=16]Klinkutter's Song of Chaos[/SIZE]

This very special shield was designed by a mad gnome and is only useable by those with certain talents.

See Azk'a at the tavern to place your bids if you're interested.

*a short description of what it does follows*

//Small shield
//+4 AC
//Intelligence -2
//Arcane failure -5%
//On hit: Chaos Shield lvl 2 (2% chance)
//Lvl 29
//Chaotic bards only

[SIZE=16]//Auction opens at 50k and will end after 48hours without new bids[/SIZE]
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Re: Auction - Rare shield
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 09:29:56 pm »
50,000 true

Arkolio Salvorre

Black Cat

Re: Auction - Rare shield
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2011, 12:15:18 am »
*Azk'a looks for Ark*

Well... seems loike yer de only one wit some guts *grins* tho' ah got some enquiries but nay offer.

You won da auction but ahm s'rry ta say dat dat shoild be worth a lot mer dan wha' ya offer. *holds up his hand to stop any protest* ah 'now ah 'now, but ya mus' un'erstand mah an' ah was 'opin' ta get a lot mer out ov dis even iffn ah started low.

Ah'll retoire dis shoild from sale fer da moment. But *raises his voice a bit to be heard from people around* iffn someone comes wit an interstin' offer ah'll still be open ta hear eht.

Oh, An' trues nay be da only ting dat culd sway mah.

*he offers a round of ale to all present from his personal keg... a gesture rarely seen in the tavern*

//sorry for this but I really was expecting more interest, although I understand not many could use such a shield, but the lense price on this was really much much higher than the starting price (from memory it was around 300k)

