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Author Topic: Electrical and Fire Enhancements  (Read 139 times)


Electrical and Fire Enhancements
« on: April 10, 2007, 01:31:23 am »
I have Three Fire Enhancements and two Electrical Enhancements for application to weapons. All are first circle. 2,000 true each, or trade.

In regards to trade: I will trade for any one of the following quantity and type of resources:

36 nuggets of copper
1 box of skullcap
1/2 box of hops and 1/2 box of thistle (all one order)
36 greenstones
36 Phenelopes
14 chunks of hickory
1 box of eggs

I also have three 1st circle rings of wizardry, three rings of Endurance I, one ring of Owl's Wisdom I, one ring of Bull's Strength I. Same terms of true or trade apply.

I can be found most often in Port Hempstead. *Gives short description of himself*

-Stygian Achnuman