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Author Topic: Oi me back hurts  (Read 37 times)


Oi me back hurts
« on: March 24, 2006, 01:10:04 pm »
[SIZE=16]Oi Kurgin Stormbrow be sellin the followin in an attemp ta buy a house cause me back kint take haulin dis stuff in me pack no longer.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]  1 Box Uncracked Eggs - 2500 Gold
  3 Boxes of Aloe Leaves - 3000 Gold each
  17 Vials of Cure Essence - 100 Gold each
  10 Bodak Teeth(brushed) - 300 Gold each
  1 Box Stirge Feathers(cleaned) - 350 Gold
  1 Box Unshelled Walnuts - 1000 Gold
  10 Dire Boar Pelts - 100 Gold each
  3 Hill Hound Pelts - 300 Gold each
  Also have Cougar Bags fer sale 2000 Gold. Me brudder Durgen's tention ta the cuality kin be attested to as oi have been carryin dese eggs and none have broke eben wit durn Ogres whackin at em.
  ** Rumor around Hlint is that Kurgin can be sweet talked into a deal, especially by the ladies. Just mention Dorand or some just cause and he may drop his price unless ye be a Drow**


Re: Oi me back hurts
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2006, 07:38:36 pm »
*kloss walks in and sees the note*
il take all the pelts , the cyure essenses and the walnuts lad .... just contact me with a good time to meet you

signed kloss

