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Author Topic: Tyrian And Mylindra's Items Part II  (Read 324 times)

Exodus Stonecutter

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Tyrian And Mylindra's Items Part II
« on: January 14, 2007, 10:46:28 pm »
Remember to support your local independent crafters!

Interesting Items:

Divinity Ring I (grants three bonus first level spells of the divine) 2500 True
Divinity Ring II (three bonus second level divine spells) 6000 True
Minor Enchantments of Lightning, Cold and Fire (grants 2 point of elemental damage to a weapon) 2000 True
Lesser Enchantments of Fire and Cold (1d4 fire damage) 4000 True
Elemental Resistance I to Fire - 4000 True
Silver Weapon Enchantment I - 4000 True (2 points damage vs. undead and werebeasts)
Silver Weapon Enchantment II - 7000 trues (1D4 points damage vs. undead and werebeasts)
Prayer Beads (cast bless once per day) 2000 True


Arrows of Fire (99)- 1500 True (+2 fire damage)
Arrows of Cold (99) - 1500 True (+2 cold damage)
Arrows of Electricity (99) - 1500 True (+2 elect damage)
Bloodfall Longsword - 5000 True
Hamaji's Fan - 7500 True (1d2 damage, +2AB, slashing damage 1d10)
Snake Fang Dagger - 5000 True (on hit poison 1d2 con damage DC14)
Tooth of the Viper (50) - 5000 True (dart, AB+1, on hit poison 1d2 con damage, DC 16)
Iron Mercurial Two Handed Sword with electrical I enchantment - 5000 True
Iron Katana with electricity I enchantment - 3000 True
Lion Sling (AB +1) - 1500 True
Iron Heavy Flail - 2500 True
Iron Dwarven War Axe - 2500 True (1d10, crit x3, +1AB)
Iron War Hammer - 1750 True
Iron Scimitar - 1750 True
Iron Rapier - 1750 True
Iron Shurikens (25)- 500 True
Bronze Longsword - 750 True
Bronze Mace - 500 True
Bronze Dagger - 250 True
Bloody Lash Whip - 2000 True (LVL 13 reg, BD 1-3, Crit 19-20 x3, Bonus feat- disarm, on hit wounding DC-16)
Walking Stick of the Hierophant - 750 True

Armor, Helms, Shields:

Small Iron Shield - 1750 True
Iron Tower Sheild - 2500 True
Bracers of the Scout - 750 True
Iron Full Plate - 7500 True (Base AC8, +1 AC, Damage Immunity Slashing 5%, Discipline +3)
Bronze Chain Armor - 2000 True (AC5, 5% bludgeoning immunity)
Bronze Banded Armor - 2500 True (AC6, Concentration +3, Slashing immuntiy 5%)
Crocodile Armor - 5000 True (AC4, +2 vs. disease and cold)
Iron Half Plate - 6000 True
Iron Banded Mail - 5000 True (AC6, AC mod +1, Discipline +3)
Iron Chain Shirt - 4500 True (AC4, AC +1, Parry +3)
Iron Bascinet - 750 True
Wolf Leather Armor - 2500 True (... AC vs animals + 2, Disciplne +3)
Dragon Scale Shield - 10000 True

Gloves of Fury - 5000 trues
Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power - 2500 True (+1 str)
Boots of the Tiger - 2000 True (+2 tumble, +4 reflex)
Boots of the Boar - 750 True (save vs disease +2, concentration +3)
Robe of Lightning - 500 True
Lesser Ladys Gift Robes - 4000 True
Cloak of the Watchers - 3000 True
Exceptional Archers Edge - 7000 True
Magic Things:

Wand of Camoflage - 2500 True
Wand of Bull's Strength - 2500 True
Wand of Melf's Acid Arrows - 2000 True
Book: Details of Destruction - 4000 True (can cast: combust, gust of wind, lesser missle storm, scintilating sphere)
Book: Dissertation on Divinity - 4000 True (can cast: clairaudience/clairvoyance, find traps, identify)


0 circle (100 True each):
Light, Cure Minor Wounds

1st Circle (250 True each):
Cure Light Wounds, True Strike, Identify, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Summon Creature I, Bless, Sleeep, Magic Missle

2nd Circle (400 True each):
Cats Grace, Darkness, Ghostly Visage, Endurance, Bulls Strength, Web, Summon Creature II

3rd Circle (750 True each):
Fireball, Find Traps

Exceptional Items:

Exceptional Feldspar ring set in copper - 1000 True (death saves +2)
Exceptional Feldspar set in copper amulet - 1500 True (death saves +2)

Amulets can be made as well, many in stock today!

Lesser Ability Rings
Ring of Bull’s Strength I - 2250 //+1 to strength//
Ring of Fox’s Cunning I - 2250 //+1 to intelligence//
Ring of Owl’s Wisdom I - 2250 //+1 to wisdom//
Ring of Cat’s Grace I - 2250 //+1 to dexterity//
Ring of Eagle’s Splendor I - 2250 //+1 to charisma//
Ring of Endurance I - 2250 //+1 to constitution//

Silver Rings
Silver rings with Alexandrite - 3500 //+4 skill Dicipline & Taunt//
Silver rings with Topaz - 3500 //+4 skill Hide in Shadows & Move Silently//
Silver rings with Sapphire - 3500 //+4 skill Spellcraft & Concentration//
Silver rings with Fire Opal - 7000 //+2 reflex save increase//

Platinum Rings
Platinum rings with Greenstone - 1500 //+2 save increase vs. poison//
Platinum rings with Malachite - 1500 //+2 save increase vs. disease//
Platinum rings with Fire Agate - 2000 //+2 save increase vs. fire//
Platinum rings with Aventurine - 2000 //+2 save increase vs. electricity//
Platinum rings with Phenalope - 2000 //+2 save increase vs. cold//
Platinum rings with Amethyst - 2000 //+2 save increase vs. acid//
Platinum rings with Feldspar - 3000 //+2 save increase vs. death//
Platinum rings with Garnet - 3000 //+2 save increase vs. mind affecting//

Silver ingots
Please let me know on quantitees and costs of the above items. I would like them in bulk, ten or twenty of each.

Remember to support your local independant crafters!

Praylor Falcus

RE: Tyrian And Mylindra's Items Part II
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2007, 11:15:47 pm »
*walks in and reads Tyrians and mylindras post, Takes out a piece of charcoal and writes a small note and pins it to the board*

  Dear friends i am interested in the Exceptional Archers Edge belt. please let me know when i can pick it up.


RE: Tyrian And Mylindra's Items Part II
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2007, 09:27:42 am »

I shall throw it in my pack today.  I'll find ye around Hlint.

My Thanks,


Re: Tyrian And Mylindra's Items Part II
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2007, 11:11:29 pm »
Madams Tyrian and Mylindra

I should like to inquire about teh purchase of the lesser ladies gift.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience.



Re: Tyrian And Mylindra's Items Part II
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2007, 03:59:00 am »
*Amilia walks in and reads the post and atatches a note at the bottom*

please could i purchase the prayer beads from you.

you can find me around hlint

thank you

Amilia Tannnnes


Re: Tyrian And Mylindra's Items Part II
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2007, 05:18:25 pm »
Erk and Amilia,

We shall hold these items for you.  Amilia, I do not believe we have had the pleasure of meeting look for Mylindra or myself and we shall get them for ye.

//a short description of them both follows//

My Thanks,


RE: Tyrian And Mylindra's Items Part II
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2007, 08:05:10 pm »
I, Tadashi, would like to place to order one ring of divinity of the second circle.  I have the true and can accept delivery at any time.

Thank you,
Tadashi, 5th son of Tanaka
Scholar Cleric of Vorax


RE: Tyrian And Mylindra's Items Part II
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2007, 09:42:40 pm »
Ser Tadashi,

I have one in my ring bag at all times.  If ye cannot find me seek out Mylindra, she has one as well.

//a description of Mylindra and Tyrian follows//

My Thanks,

