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Author Topic: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)  (Read 299972 times)


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #200 on: June 01, 2012, 09:33:10 pm »
In neat italic script.  I have left seventeen platinum ore, and taken two intelligence potions and three barkskin potions.  1920 - 1700 = 220, and so 440 True left.

Andrew Reid


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #201 on: June 01, 2012, 10:49:52 pm »
In cramped script.

Took 86 sand (@30 = 2580) and 31 coal (@50 = 1550) = 4130

Credit 7754 - 4130 = 3624 credit.

Returned four temple boxes.  Left 413 True.

Ty R-D

Guardian 452

Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #202 on: June 01, 2012, 11:03:14 pm »
*Dot unloads several items at the pawnshop*

73 - Bags of Sand - 2,190
15 - Mineral Amethyst - 1,500
31 - Coal - 1,550
2 - Iron Ingots - 150
18 - Mineral Phenalope - 450
8 - Mineral Feldspar - 320
1 - Gold Nugget - 50

Total Dropped off: 6,210

Existing Credit: = 191,484
New Credit Total: 197,694

(Dot Stoven)


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #203 on: June 02, 2012, 11:51:00 am »
*Griff makes some purchases*


17 purple mushrooms at 29 = 493
7 ginseng at 57 = 399

Total taken = 892
Previous Credit = 130996
New Credit = 130104
Adjustment = 12000**
Adjusted Credit = 118104**

10% donation = 100 trues left

**Adjustment per Saddlebag management (see related forum post)

Guardian 452

Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #204 on: June 05, 2012, 11:55:58 am »
*Dot unloads several items at the pawnshop*

1 - Scroll Greater Spell Mantle - 40,000
1 - Scroll Cone of Cold - 3,500
1 - Belt of Aquisition - 2,000
1 - To be or not to become (book) - 1,500
23 - Coal - 1150
1 - Iron Dagger - 600
16 - Purple Shrooms - 464
10 - Phenalope - 250
1 - Garnet - 40

Total Dropped off: 49,504

Existing Credit: = 197,694
New Credit Total: 247,198

(Dot Stoven)

Guardian 452

Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #205 on: June 05, 2012, 12:39:05 pm »
Quote from: davidhoff
*Griff makes some purchases*


17 purple mushrooms at 29 = 493
7 ginseng at 57 = 399

Total taken = 892
Previous Credit = 130996
New Credit = 130104

10% donation = 100 trues left

*letter left in the shop for Griff *

Griff a while back you left 2 Diamond amulets of Eagles with us... we already had 2 of that kind in stock. So we did not give you the 12,000 credit from them. The 2 amulets are setting in a chest immediantly to the left when you enter the pawnshop (marked items not accepted). You can pick them up when you are at the shop next. Your credit with us is 118,104 after your most recent transaction

Saddlebag pawn

// I pm'ed you about this quite some time ago. Sorry I didnt follow up sooner.



Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #206 on: June 05, 2012, 02:03:15 pm »
*Griff writes back*

Aye den Oi'll come n getem.  Tank ye.

//sorry I forgot those.  I'll come pick them up and I adjusted my last post to reflect Griff's corrected credit balance.


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #207 on: June 09, 2012, 07:47:20 am »
Left seven sage (@57), one crystal rod I (@450), one dust of Baraeon Ca'Duz (@250), one scroll of sleep (@250), one scroll of cure light wounds (@250) = 1599

Took: 36 coal (@50) = 1800

Credit 3624 True + 1599 - 1800 = 3423 Credit

Left 180 True.

gilshem ironstone

Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #208 on: June 14, 2012, 01:53:00 pm »
//Night's transaction

Previous Balance: 2110

Items Added:
Enhanced Archer's Edge-3700
2xCarpenter's Tools-120
1xTinkers Tools-60

New Balance: 5990

Items Taken:
Blue Suede Shoes-4000

New Balance: 1990

Donation Made: 400


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #209 on: June 16, 2012, 04:39:01 pm »
Left: Four blueberries (@57), one rhubarb (@22), venom sacks: hallow wraith (2@100), bastard sword spider (5@85), queen spider (2@75), blessed bird feather (lens 200 - 25% = 150), total = 1175

Took:  Elven iron ingots (@75 each), seventeen platinum nuggets (@100 each), total = 2525

Previous credit: 3423 + 1175 - 2525 = 2073 credit

Left 253 True

Ty R-D

gilshem ironstone

Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #210 on: June 18, 2012, 12:15:40 pm »
//Nights Transaction

Previous Balance: 1990

Items Added:
Iron Half-Plate-2000

New Balance: 3990


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #211 on: June 21, 2012, 06:56:24 pm »
//Deverain's transactions

Previous balance:0

Dropped off:1 iron rapier-1200
                 1 Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power-1500
                 1 Bronze chain shirt-750
                 1 Bronze star shield-500
                 1 Iron kite shield-1500
                 1 Iron half plate-2000
                 1 Branch of Mahogany-200

New Balance: 7650


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #212 on: June 23, 2012, 11:31:48 pm »
Dev's Previous Balance: 7650

Dropped off: Nothing

Taken: 1 Noisemaker helm-700 trues
Left 70 coins as 10%

New Balance: 6950


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #213 on: June 23, 2012, 11:53:55 pm »
//Green comes to the store

Drops off:

Topaz 8 x 100
Honey 2 x 50
Angelica Leaf 1 x 50

Previous credit 1217 Trues

New Credit 2167//


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #214 on: June 25, 2012, 03:46:11 am »
*Vrebel heads to his mushroom chest and pulls out its contents.  He then drops off some items and leaves tossing some coins in the dontations chest.*

Picked Up

16 Purple mushrooms at 29t = 464

Dropped Off

Cloak of Fortification +2 =15,186 (75% of lense)
Cloak of Elven Kind = 1,080 (75% of lense)
Leaves of the Great Oak = 2,115 (75% of lense)
Gloves of Harmony =2,115 (75% of lense)

Sub total of dropped off items:  20,496t


Old Balance = 323,157
minus: 464
plus: 20,496

=NEW BALANCE:  343,189t

*Dropped off 50 trues in donations

Lance Stargazer

Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #215 on: June 27, 2012, 03:16:04 pm »
Conmotion is about as The day starts in Haven as a vile murder happened near the shop.


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #216 on: June 29, 2012, 02:33:55 pm »
Dev's Previous Balance-6950

Taken-Fort Vehl Troop helmet-4000 (lens price)
          Brawlers Belt-1756 (lens price)
New Balance-1194

Left 576 as 10%

Guardian 452

Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #217 on: June 29, 2012, 09:26:01 pm »
*Dot unloads several items at the pawnshop*

1 - Platinum Chain Mail - 3,500
70 - Bags of Sand - 2,100
18 - Coal - 900
5 - Feldspar - 200
Total Dropped off: 6,700

Existing Credit: = 247,198
New Credit Total: 253,898

(Dot Stoven)


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #218 on: June 30, 2012, 03:45:29 pm »
//Tyrian takes:

20 corn
20 ginger
1 garlic
4 topaz
2 fire opals

Total: 2400

Previous credit: 73457

New credit: 71057

240 trues left in 10% crate//

Lance Stargazer

Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #219 on: June 30, 2012, 05:50:19 pm »
*A man attaired in a green and black armor comes and does some bussiness, unloading some stuff and seen taking away a small chest with some wares *

480 Potion of endurance
350 1 Find traps
125 1 Ligth
250 1 Expeditious retreat
125 1 Magic missile
57  Silk  
350  1 Dust of grand


31 x Penalophe  = 775

Credit =  962

78 paid