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Author Topic: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)  (Read 302119 times)


In neat italic script.Milady
« Reply #520 on: December 31, 2013, 01:57:37 pm »

In neat italic script.

Milady Dot, Milady Calylith, I have taken the Edna's Vanity robes from your chest. I have no credit currently, so the full cost per your calcuations of 55756 (appriased by your employee) minus twenty-five percent, for a total of 41817, falls to me. I have the coin but was informed there was no secure place to stash it (//chest would go over fifty thou, didn't want to put it anywhere else least it is missed) so I will hold this coin and deliver it to you personally when I see one or the other of you, or your charming store monkey Celador. Please do tell him I said that, it should end in a lively conversation!

~Yours in the Muse, 

Andrew Reid



« Reply #521 on: January 01, 2014, 03:51:02 am »

Quote from: "WarriorOfTheLance"&cid="2752465"

*glitch walks in and drops off the following for credit*

wolf leather armor x1 @ 1000

iron long sword x1 @ iron medium 1200

iron kama x1 @ iron small 900

foe hammer x1 @ 1518 (0.75 x 2024)

shewper shillelagh x1 @ 2115 (0.75 x 2820)

6733 total credit

*glitch walks in and drops off 5 raise dead scrolls 9,000 x 4 = 36,000*

*glitch drops off 1 ethereal visage 1 x 3,500*

total credit 36,000 + 3,500 + 6733 = 46,233

*glitch takes Axe of the Maze lord (unmarked) 48844 x 0.75 = 36633*
*glitch takes hammer of the wisp (unmarked) 18024 x 0.75 = 13,518*

total owed = 50,151

less 10% = 45,136

*glitch leaves 5015 in payment chest*

(45,136 + 5015 = 50,151)

1097 credit remains




Lance Stargazer

The man in black and green
« Reply #522 on: January 01, 2014, 05:43:00 pm »

The man in black and green clothes approaches with some wares[

1 x Dire bear Skin  200
1 x Ring of the Barbarian  26644 x 0,75 = 19983
1 x Foe Hammer ´2024 x 0.05 = 1518
1 x Robes of Path of the whip = 6489
1 x Bronze Chainshirt =  750
1 x Composite Crossbow =  3426
1 x Goblin Pinker = 14067
4 x Phenalopes @ 25 = 100
2 x Feldspar @40 = 80
4 x Aventurine @25 = 100
1 x Alexandrite @100 = 100
1 x Amethist @100 = 100
1 x Malachite @20 = 20
1 x Fire agate @20 = 20
1 x Bronze Full Plate = 1250
1 x Circle of Doom =    3500
1 x Mindfog = 3500
1 x Charm Monster =  1500
Credit given :  56703

Nothing taken at this time :  Current credit   56703 

// Ausir



Mari drops off two scrolls,
« Reply #523 on: January 01, 2014, 11:40:19 pm »

Mari drops off two scrolls, one level two (350) and one level five (3500), and two alex rings, one bulls and one endurance (stated price @75% times two, 2625 for both). She picks out two level one resists, at three thousand each, and a silver II enhancement (4500).

 The shopkeep, not having all day, rather sharply takes the quill and tallys for her: 16162 prior, add 6475 equals 22637, minus 10500, for a credit of 12137 and an amount due of 1050. She takes a quick hop to Center, returning promptly to pay in full.


Lance Stargazer

*A merchant that seems to
« Reply #524 on: January 02, 2014, 05:53:24 pm »

*A merchant that seems to come from Co'rrys is seen getting out the pawnshop with several glands, paid in true for the whole batch of glands for alchemical purposes*

// Deposited 2655 trues for all the glands. No credit used.


Lance Stargazer

*The man in black and green
« Reply #525 on: January 02, 2014, 06:15:28 pm »

*The man in black and green clothes picks comes with some wares, he is seen delivering some glands into the shelf and going out with a small bow, on the way out it seems that he is playing with some gears on the bow*


1 Shadon's trapping bow  =  27276

Left : 

23 B-sword glands ( @85 ) = 1955.


Previous Credit : 56703  - 27276 + 1955 =  31385 trues.

// Ausir. 




*Fleur left*2 rye @ 600 =
« Reply #526 on: January 06, 2014, 11:55:19 pm »

*Fleur left*

2 rye @ 600 = 1200

4 roasts @450 = 1800

4 blueberry pies @ 1200 = 4800

3 blackberry pies @ 1000 = 3000

  apple pie @800 = 800                

new credit of 8,900

old credit 5,215

Total credit of 14,115



*Orn drops off*14 corn @ 50 
« Reply #527 on: January 07, 2014, 12:00:08 am »

*Orn drops off*

14 corn @ 50  = 700

7 rye @ 70 = 490

7 aloe @30 = 210

5 ginseng @ 60 = 300

finger of death 7th level scroll @ 20k

Earthquake 8th level scroll @ 30k

New credit: 51,700 + 8269 previous credit=  59,969 total credit


*Orn buys the exceptional belt of cunning for 5,500 coins

59,969 - 5,500= 54,469 total credit

left 550 gold coins



*After a bit of cleaning
« Reply #528 on: January 07, 2014, 10:56:27 pm »

*After a bit of cleaning Fleur comes to drop off some wares*

Mestils Acid Sheath 5th level scroll @ 3,500

2 rings of the soldier @ 20,535 a piece (75% of lens price) = 41,070

9 thistile @ 40 =360

New Credit: 44,930

Old Credit: 14,115

Total Credit: 59,045



*After a bit of cleaning
« Reply #529 on: January 07, 2014, 10:56:42 pm »

*After a bit of cleaning Fleur comes to drop off some wares*

Mestils Acid Sheath 5th level scroll @ 3,500

2 rings of the soldier @ 20,535 a piece (75% of lens price) = 41,070

9 thistile @ 40 =360

New Credit: 44,930

Old Credit: 14,115

Total Credit: 59,045



*Vrebel comes in and checks
« Reply #530 on: January 09, 2014, 04:29:07 am »

*Vrebel comes in and checks the mushroom and ginsing chests pulling everything out*

Picked up:

35 purple mushroom at 50=1750

5 ginsing at 60=300

subtotal of picked up:  2050

Old Balance:  1690

New Balance:  (-60)

*Dropped off 205 trues in hallway chest.  Didnt realize balance was so low.  He'll drop off more items or coin to make up the difference.



*Zig hauls in a few large
« Reply #531 on: January 10, 2014, 06:46:06 am »

*Zig hauls in a few large lion skin bags filled to the brim and deposits the contents in the various chests*

Dropped off:

**Darks light robe - 36540

**Guardian of the wood ring - 19821

**Sling of force - 80538

**Breath of the maiden sword - 13515

**Enchanted mithril star shield - 53157

**Queen padded armor - 136806 (placed in adamantium armor chest as silk armor chest full)

Greater sanctuary scroll (lev 7) 20000

Blackstaff scroll (lev 8) 30000

Mordenkainen's Disjunction scroll (lev 9) 40000

Total of Dropped off:  430,377t

New Balance:  430,377t (starting from scratch after the forum crash)

** Items were priced at 75% of lens value




*Vrebel steps back in after a
« Reply #532 on: January 10, 2014, 07:22:24 am »

*Vrebel steps back in after a few days carrying a bag with assorted items.  He drops off a note after placing the items in their respective chests*

"Sorry bout the underage, these items should put me back in the black~~signed Vrebel"

Dropped off:

**Cloak of Fortification +2 = 15186

**Cloak of Elvenkind = 1080

**Gloves of Care = 2115

**Commanders Ring = 34425 (placed in the diamond jewelry chest as the other rings chest full)

Black blade of disaster scroll (lev 9) 40000

Subtotal of dropped off:  92806

Picked up:

35 purple mushrooms at 50=1750

9 thistle at 50=450

Subtotal of picked up:  2200

Old Balance:  (-60)

New Balance:  90546

**items priced at 75% of lens value

Dropped off 220t in front chest



*Fleur comes in and does some
« Reply #533 on: January 21, 2014, 09:57:03 pm »

*Fleur comes in and does some shopping*

8 pieces of Sage @ 60 = 480

36 pieces of corn @ 50 = 1800

36 pieces of corn @ 50 = 1800

35 pieces of wheat @ 35 = 1225

Total bought: 5,305

Left 531.00 in the chest


New Store Credit: 53,740



*Orn comes to leave*9 thistle
« Reply #534 on: January 26, 2014, 12:04:46 pm »

*Orn comes to leave*

9 thistle @ 40 = 360

10 purple mushroom @ 50= 500

18 cherries @ 70 = 1260

16 chestnuts @ 100= 1600

14 ginseng @ 60 = 840

13 rye @ 70 = 910

39 corn @ 50 = 1950

13 sage @ 60 = 780

14 salt @ 10 = 140

9 fire opals (raw) @ 250 = 2250

12 milk @ 100 = 1200

7 aloe @ 30 = 210

1 iron full plate = 2500

Total left 14,500

54,469 + 14,500 = 68,969 in new credit



*Griff comes in and gathers
« Reply #535 on: February 04, 2014, 05:10:15 am »

*Griff comes in and gathers some items and leaves some armor*

Left: Mithril Scale Male (LP 104788 x.75) = 78591


22 Purple Mushrooms at 50 = 1100

14 Gensing at 60 = 840

Total Took: 1940

Old Credit: 0

Total Left: 78591

Total Took: 1940

New Credit: 76651

*donated 194



Boris deposits 22 small
« Reply #536 on: February 06, 2014, 12:41:52 pm »

Boris deposits 22 small containers of salt at 10 true each equaling $220 in credit.



*danny walks in and picks
« Reply #537 on: February 09, 2014, 06:54:18 am »

*danny walks in and picks up*

36 cotton = 360

5 lion skins =425

11 dire boar skibn = 550

1 dire bear skin = 200

old balance 90k(rounded down))

new balance 88k



*danny runs in again
« Reply #538 on: February 09, 2014, 09:54:46 am »

*danny runs in again forgetting to pick up some silk*       35 silk = 3500                                 new balance=84500 (he also leaves 10% for this and the last transaction)


gilshem ironstone

Kalberen drops off some items
« Reply #539 on: February 09, 2014, 11:26:28 pm »

Kalberen drops off some items and leaves.

//Giant Toothpick-21,660T

Scroll of Bless Weapon-250T

Electrical Enhancement I-2,000T

New Total: 23,910T