Belgar drops off:Dreppi Rigsid's Mercurial GS @ 638 (actual price 2000)Anorfiwiel Neryftyln's double scimitar @ 638Merner Smith's Large Shield @ 402Lagnar Hauksen's Club @ 337____________________________________________________ 2015He acquires 2 potions of lore@ 150 each = 300and puts 30 gold in the donation chest (270)______________________________________________________ 1745Previous credit 11,788_____________________________________________________New Credit 13533 (+1362 = 14895)
Alpoah comes in and drops off the following:Sara Chedwa's Armor @ 30% of 1292 = 387Anoring Cystine's shield @ 75% of 3204 = 2403Credit= 2790