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Author Topic: The Flaming Arrow  (Read 193 times)


The Flaming Arrow
« on: August 13, 2005, 05:50:00 am »
--- The Flaming Arrow --- --- Member of Orc Bashers Group --- --- Haven 185 --- --- Established 1388 ---
You are hereby invited to the come and spend your hard earned gold on well crafted adventuring equipment.
Orders can be left on the notice board next to the shop entrance and would be delivered as soon as possible or alternatively contact Jacchri or Dorena for any special deliveries.
We can provide you with any required item, either crafted by us or sourced from our network of business associates. But our area of expertise is wood crafting.
We only use the best wood which is treated with a special oil mixture to provide you with a product that will last forever and not let you down in the heat of battle. All our products are also individually made with the utmost care and skill.
We have a large variety of wooden weapons to suite everyone's needs, pricing is available on request.
[TABLE=head;sort=1a,2,3]  Weapons for starting adventurers
   Hickory shortbow  [SIZE=10]*1d6 damage[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Hickory longbow  [SIZE=10]*1d8 damage[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Hickory light crossbow  [SIZE=10]*1d8 damage[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Hickory heavy crossbow[SIZE=10]  *1d10 damage[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Hickory quarterstaff  [SIZE=10]*1d6 damage[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Hickory club  [SIZE=10]*1d6 damage[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b]
    Weapons for mid-level adventurers
    Oak shortbow  [SIZE=10]*1d6 damage +1 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Oak longbow  [SIZE=10]*1d8 damage +1 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Oak light crossbow  [SIZE=10]*1d8 damage +1 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Oak heavy crossbow [SIZE=10] *1d10 damage +1 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Oak quarterstaff  [SIZE=10]*1d6 damage +1 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Oak club  [SIZE=10]*1d6 damage +1 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b]
    Weapons for seasoned adventurers
    Mahogany shortbow  [SIZE=10]*1d6 damage +2 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Mahogany longbow  [SIZE=10]*1d8 damage +2 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Mahogany light crossbow  [SIZE=10]*1d8 damage +2 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Mahogany heavy crossbow  [SIZE=10]*1d10 damage +2 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Mahogany quarterstaff  [SIZE=10]*1d6 damage +2 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Mahogany club  [SIZE=10]*1d6 damage +2 attack[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b]
|  Specialised weapons for seasoned adventurers
  Oak Hunters shortbow[SIZE=10]  *hide +2, search +2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Oak Hunters longbow  [SIZE=10]*hide +2, search +2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Oak Compound longbow  [SIZE=10]*massive critical 1d6 damage[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Oak Compound shortbow  [SIZE=10]*massive critical 1d4 damage[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] Mahogany Compound longbow  [SIZE=10]*massive critical 1d6 damage[/SIZE] Mahogany Compound shortbow  [SIZE=10]*massive critical 1d4 damage[/SIZE][/b] [/COLOR][/b]Compound Bow parts I  [SIZE=10]*mighty +1[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b]
    Arrows and bolts Hickory  [SIZE=10]*1 damage[/SIZE] Oak  [SIZE=10]*1d4 damage[/SIZE] Mahogany  [SIZE=10]*1d6 damage[/SIZE]  Falcon feathers  [SIZE=10]*piercing damage[/SIZE] Raven feathers  [SIZE=10]*bludgeoning damage[/SIZE] Owl feathers  [SIZE=10]*slashing damage[/SIZE] Stirge feathers  [SIZE=10]*negative energy damage[/SIZE]  Copper tipped [SIZE=10]*normal damage to all[/SIZE] Bronze tipped  [SIZE=10]*extra damage to animals[/SIZE] Iron tipped  [SIZE=10]*extra damage to constructs[/SIZE] Platinum  [SIZE=10]*extra damage to magical beasts [SIZE=13]Silver  [/SIZE][SIZE=10]*extra damage to undead[/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR][/b][SIZE=10] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/b]


RE: The Flaming Arrow
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2005, 06:01:00 am »
Updated with more arrow options.


RE: The Flaming Arrow
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2005, 03:13:00 am »
Added mahogany compound bows.