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Author Topic: *A note addressed to Plenarius Asheley*  (Read 281 times)


*A note addressed to Plenarius Asheley*
« on: June 23, 2005, 02:25:00 pm »
Greetings Plenarius,

A short while ago you showed me a ring a incredible beauty.  I'm interested in purchasing a ring such as this if you still are in possession of it and would be willing to sell such an item.  I'm willing to pay in gold market value of such a peice.  


 Michaelis Draego

//Ring of Charisma +3 - If I see you on, i'll check out the Hlint area hoping to bump into you - or i'll send postmaster vale - he seeems to always be looking for things to do :)


RE: *A note addressed to Plenarius Asheley*
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2005, 03:15:00 pm »
Plen shakes his head sadly as he comes across the note in the Inn.

He pens underneath the note:
That ring was for trade for the Cloak of the High Forest and has no gold value.

*he thinks back to the time after they released the metallics*

I believe my exact words were  "That's a big opportunity you'll regret when you can wear it"

*he spins the ring in a circle around his finger and says aloud to no one in particular*  Besides, Brisbane seems to like this ring for some reason...



RE: *A note addressed to Plenarius Asheley*
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2005, 05:46:00 pm »
*seeing the message he frowns* So be it *and tears down the note making sure it's in the garbage and mumbles* I'm sure it'll go to good use then.