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Author Topic: "Said and Done"  (Read 73 times)


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    "Said and Done"
    « on: June 17, 2006, 01:13:51 pm »
    (Printed in red, flowing script on an old, yellowed parchment)

    When all is said and done
    Best -  within my narrow way,
    May some Angel of the Sun
    Muse memorial o'er my clay:

    "Here was Beauty all betrayed
    From the freedom of her state;
    From her human uses stayed
    On an idle rhyme to wait.

    "Ah, what deep despair might move
    If the beauty lit a smile;
    Or the heart was warm with love
    That was pondering the while.

    "He has built his monument
    With the winds of time at strife,
    Who could have before he went
    Written on the "Book of Life".

    "To the stars from which he came
    Empty-handed he goes home.
    He who might have wrought in flame
    Only traced upon the foam."

    "Contentment is a pearl of great value, and whoever procures it at the expense of ten thousand desires makes a wise and a happy purchase."                   Balguy