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Author Topic: *notice* The Crossed Blades ~ Master Rankings  (Read 177 times)

Pen N Popper

*notice* The Crossed Blades ~ Master Rankings
« on: February 22, 2008, 08:06:23 am »
[SIZE=16] [SIZE=24]~~ Masters of Blades ~~[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=16][SIZE=24] R A N K I N G S[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=16][SIZE=24] ~~[/SIZE][/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Fenrir Thornaxe ~ dwarven waraxe 10-0[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Hardragh ~ scimitar 9-1[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Grohin Silveraxe ~ battleaxe 2-4[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Shiff Dragonheart ~ great sword 9-4[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Clarissa ~ long sword 5-1[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Travie ~ bastard sword 1-1[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Rolan Tennesen ~ rapier 1-14[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Peanut ~ scimitar 3-4[/SIZE][/I][/I]
 [SIZE=16] G'ork ~ double axe 0-3[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Arkolio de'Averlain ~ saber 2-0[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Ireth Astendor ~ rapier 2-2[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Lino Bildert ~ shortsword 1-3[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Boon Loom ~ scimitar 1-0[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Tobias ~ rapier 1-0[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Pyyran Rahth ~ rapier 3-2[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Drexia ~ bladed fan 6-4[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Steel ~ scimitar 0-1[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Sebastian Vaara ~ rapier 0-5[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Allgo Downdaleuphill ~ shortsword 1-3[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Cideous ~ kama 5-1[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Buddy Tenker ~ dwarven waraxe 4-1[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Trith ~ kama 1-2[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Ketilbjorn Svadi ~ scimitar 1-1[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Dustin Koch ~ bastard sword 0-3[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16]Key ~ shortsword 1-0[/SIZE][/I][/I]
 [SIZE=16] Jessica Longstaff ~ rapier 0-1[/SIZE][/I][/I]
 [SIZE=16] [SIZE=18]~~[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] Dur'Thak ~ katana 0-0[/SIZE][/I][/I]
[SIZE=16] Grim Hammerfist ~ dwarven waraxe 0-0[/SIZE][/I][/I]

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Crossed Blades ~ Master Rankings
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2008, 08:06:55 am »

~~ Masters of Blades ~~
The rules for engaging another in duel shall be honorably adhered to.  They are as follows:
  • A duel shall consist of two opponents, each armed with bladed weapons. Offhand weapons are permissible. No fisticuffs, clubs, staves, or other similarly crude manners of combat are allowed.
  • Tactics not reliant on the blade, such as knocking the opponent down, is not allowed.
  • [/FONT][/I][/SIZE]
  • No magical enchantments shall be used on ones person prior to the duel. One must be as prepared as one is after a restful slumber, with only permanent effects on ones armor, jewelry, and such.
  • [/FONT][/I][/SIZE]
  • Only permanent magical enchantments may be present on the dueling blades.
  • No magical interventions are to take place during the duel.
  • The victor of the duel shall be mutually agreed upon by both contestants.
The rankings shall consist of a ranked list.  
  • Each gentleman or lady shall be named fully with their weapon of specialization. This weapon will be the sole main-hand weapon allowed during duels.
  • Defeating a higher ranked opponent will raise the victor's name one rank in the list.
  • Losing a duel shall not change the defeated combatant's rank.
  • Opponents may not face one another in ranking duels consecutively.
  • [/FONT][/I][/SIZE]
  • The ranking of Master and Grand Master will not be conveyed at this time, but shall be initiated later by The Crossed Blades.
Note your name and weapon of specialization below to be added to The Crossed Blades' rankings.

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Crossed Blades ~ Master Rankings
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2008, 08:08:54 am »

Post your duel results here.  Include your name, your opponents name, whether a rank was earned by one of you, and your updated win/loss record.

New members note their name and weapon.


Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Crossed Blades ~ Master Rankings
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2008, 11:40:07 am »
Steel (1-1) over Rolan (1-15), rank to Steel
Cideous (6-1) over Steel (1-2), rank to Cideous
Cideous (7-1) over Rolan (1-16), rank to Cideous


Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Crossed Blades ~ Master Rankings
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2008, 03:51:51 pm »
Allgo (2-3) over Rolan (1-17), rank to Allgo


Re: *notice* The Crossed Blades ~ Master Rankings
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2008, 05:19:12 pm »
*wanders by and looks for his name on the notice and writes below it*


I met you the other day and we spoke about this crossed blades thing, even fought a couple times against you in the arena. Can you add my name to the list?

My Thanks,
Chaynce Baldu'muur

Hand and a half sword

Pen N Popper

Re: *notice* The Crossed Blades ~ Master Rankings
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2008, 09:51:18 pm »
Rolan gladly puts the mindlessly mundane hours cleaning the Vehl and Hempstead forges behind him.  Time to get back to snapping a rapier instead of a wet mop, he chuckles.