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Author Topic: Passing of a Dragoncalled  (Read 65 times)


Passing of a Dragoncalled
« on: February 12, 2007, 06:53:20 am »
*a leaf is tacked on the board with block style letters*

the ranger known to all as Nepp has passed into his final slumbers

his body found deep in storans with mummies playing with his torn limbs

found and restored to a semblence of wholeness and then taken to krandor

beside the lake near the tree with a fresh flower bed in place

Nepp was laid to rest by Dragon form and under the eyes of his friends  and wolves

the two stones mark his grave and on more of the prince of wolves has moved to the next hunt

*a paw print marks the base of the leaf*


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RE: Passing of a Dragoncalled
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2007, 06:02:32 pm »
*Silverhand walks slowly down the long road to Nepp's tree, finding it only to kneel in deep meditation.*

Our roads have not crossed in many moons my old friend.  May they pass again in another time.


Re: Passing of a Dragoncalled
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2007, 06:56:47 pm »
Dur'Thak wanders into the Wild Surge, covered from head to tail in the gore and skeletal remains of undead, not even bothering to cast invisibility to keep himself from view. What would have apparently moved others to tears, only brought forth great rage in this Tiefling.

Dur'Thak observes the board looking over all the recent notes indicating the events concerning Nepp'akyo, hissing and clenching his fists all the while. At last he spies the note from Drogo. Without reading the note completely, he sets out for Krandor.

As Krandor comes into view, Dur'Thak takes to the shadows, intent to move unseen. When he is as certain as he can be that no grivers or onlookers remain near Nepp's grave, he steps forward, observing the spot where one of the last of his closest friends lay.

"Lairilwekyla goaaty aey, ecw omealw." (Drow: Shadows keep you, old friend) he speaks quietly after a long moment of silence. Dur'Thak lowers himself to touch the freshly dug soil with his bare hands. He stays there longer still, completely ignoring any who may gather about him.

With an angry hiss he jolts up and casts invisibility upon himself. Those nearby can feel the invisible Tiefling rush off in a direct line back to Storan's crypt, his score obviously still unsettled.

