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Author Topic: *scroll pinned to the wall* Ogre Hunters Wanted  (Read 136 times)

Mr. Tee

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    *scroll pinned to the wall* Ogre Hunters Wanted
    « on: August 10, 2005, 07:59:00 am »
    Hail Hunters and Trackers!

    If you can hunt and track Ogres and other large beasts, then I am looking for you!

    I am in need of iron ore and greenstone from the Haven Mineshaft in order to tinker and make tools, but according to Lord Rodor, it is populated by large Ogres bent on smashing anyone attempting to mine. If we rid the mines of these Ogres, iron and mineral would once again be ours for the taking!

    As a reward, any Ogre loot or treasure found in the mine is yours for the taking!

    If this interests you, find me in Hlint and we'll get right to it!

    Deodus Roman

    *attached is a crude sketch with the name Deodus Roman above it. You see a man in copper chain mail with books sticking out of his backpack, slightly tanned skin, short brown hair. A black raven sits on his shoulder with the name Theidus above.*


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      RE: *scroll pinned to the wall* Ogre Hunters Wanted
      « Reply #1 on: August 10, 2005, 09:48:00 am »
      *written in a neat, cramped style*

      Hail Mr. Roman,

      I'd like to help you as well. Although short, I may be of some aid here. Plus I'm not too fond of ogres. Also, if you could maybe introduce me to the tinkerers trade, I'd be very appreciative. I'd like to learn to make my own traps and such.


      Balit Glenhobber

      *attached is a crude drawing of a dark clad halfling standing over a dead umberhulk // // *


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        RE: *scroll pinned to the wall* Ogre Hunters Wanted
        « Reply #2 on: August 10, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
        Pesar Fuladi accepts.  I wish to practice my art in the chaos and cloud of combat.  Since they must be removed anyway, Ogres will make fine targets for my purposes.

        //most evenings 7-11PM EST


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        RE: *scroll pinned to the wall* Ogre Hunters Wanted
        « Reply #3 on: August 10, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
        I should like to see a new group of hunters form.  The leader of the last organized group to form around Hlint seems to be having trouble of a judicial nature at this time.  Set a meeting time and place, and many interested parties will attend.  I can also recommend you to the founder of the Iron Drake in Haven, who also has an interest in clearing the mine.

        -Victor Firefall