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Author Topic: *A ornately written Note*  (Read 115 times)


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    *A ornately written Note*
    « on: August 10, 2005, 10:33:00 pm »
    *A young elf sits at a table in the corner of the inn. He sits there meticulously writing out a note on a piece of parchment. Next to him on the table sits an open spellbook.*

    *After a few minutes reading over the note and making sure that it was to his satisfaction, the elf gets up and posts the note on the board and retires to his room*

    To all wizards,

    I am seeking a high ranking wizard that is willing to take on an apprentice. I believe that I have within me great potential for the arcane abilities and that I could be of great service to Lucinda and help to preserve as well as make the Weave stonger. I have been studying magic and while I have made great progress on my own, I believe with the help of a master, my true talents would be brought out and my true potential could be reached. I can usually be found around Hlint searching for spell components or studying and preparing my spellbook.


    Findecáno Calmcacil

    May Lucinda guide you and the Weave protect.


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    RE: *A ornately written Note*
    « Reply #1 on: August 11, 2005, 04:36:00 am »
     Though I am not very powerful //level 7//I could lead you to the Arcane Alliance, and if you join it, I could be your teacher. If you do not deem me appropriate, you can choose one of the other mages.
      //btw what're your classes and levels please


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      RE: *A ornately written Note*
      « Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 07:27:00 am »
      //Wizard: Level 3//

      *walks in and reads over the response*

      "The Arcane Alliance, I never knew such a group exsisted."

      *Begins to add more to his letter*

      I am very intersted in meeting this Arcane Alliance and learning more about their organization.  
      I look forward to the meeting and anticipate it to be a great opportunity for me.



      RE: *A ornately written Note*
      « Reply #3 on: August 12, 2005, 08:28:00 pm »
      *a small figures passing through the inn notices the note and stops to read it. He then reaches into his satchel pulls out a piece of writing charcoal and scribbles onto the note*


      *returns it to his satchel and continues on*


      RE: *A ornately written Note*
      « Reply #4 on: August 14, 2005, 03:54:00 pm »
      *Ramanon views the note as he passes by and adds one of his own*

      If thou wish to increase thy knowledge of the weave seek Ramanon Vensk for further discussion.

      *a red stamp of a Rams Skull is pressed underneath*

