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Author Topic: Training Offered  (Read 72 times)


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    Training Offered
    « on: October 26, 2005, 08:05:00 am »
    *Neat script*

    A call to those looking to be versed in the basics of battlelines. Training in an informal class with expeditions to areas near Hlint. Ideal canidates will be those whose training is in arms with only light words of advice to the magic kind.

    If enough interest is found there will be a date or dates drawn up for larger groups. Otherwise a person by person training will happen.

    Points to be covered:

         How not to get killed as a ranged fighter and how not to get your group killed

         Keeping a line when and how

         Proper placement in battleline and proper ways to move about the battlefield without dying

    These key points will greatly reduce the injury and death seen in the vast number of groups.

    Honor and Glory,

    Günter Hatt


    RE: Training Offered
    « Reply #1 on: October 26, 2005, 08:55:00 am »
    *sluffs down a gulp of ale and reads the note*

    "Hmm.  Wonder if this fellow really knows his stuff...."

    *sits down and pulls out a quill, a small bottle of ink, and a blood splattered piece of parchment.  Takes another swig and begins to write*


    I have a propostion that just might suit you, if you are truly so well versed in combat strategy.  Leave a message with the postman if you are interested (///PM me///).

    *signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*
    Cole Norseman


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      RE: Training Offered
      « Reply #2 on: October 28, 2005, 09:05:00 am »
      *Leolaka wanders by, looks at the note, stops and does a 180 degree turn, reading the note. Then he replies*

      Hey! How about me!? I'm great with a rapier and not exactly front line, but also have a little bit of enchantment as well!



      RE: Training Offered
      « Reply #3 on: October 28, 2005, 04:36:00 pm »
      *walks by an ale in hand, sees posted note and let's out these word scaring the people round him*
      Har! ye be wanten te go loony ye do Günny but ney worries lad, ae'll be der wit a keg o' 3 te cheer ye up 'fter yer lessons, den we ken go 'n do sum real fighten.

      *then thinks twice and writes something quick in dwarven* if that lad Cole be wearen spectacles danna fallow him into combat.


      RE: Training Offered
      « Reply #4 on: October 31, 2005, 07:32:00 am »
      *spits ale all over himself when he stumbles by Lokri's attachment*

      "Gah!  Them spectacles are gonna ruin me reputation! *swings around*  I gots good eyesight I tells ya!  Bloody gnomes... "

      *mumbles something about fake darkvision goggles, at which point a shifty-eyed, robed gnome pokes Cole in the side and starts talking before Cole gets his dagger completely drawn*

      "Ifyoudon'tlikethespectacles,I'lltakethemback.Theyaren'tfakeanything.Theyare supposedtoworklikethat.Icallthemdarkvisiongogglesbecausetheydarkenyourvisionto ugliness."

      *Cole furrows his brow , recalling the incident with the dwarf.  He let's his dagger slide back into place.*

      "Well now, thet would explain a few things...."


      RE: Training Offered
      « Reply #5 on: October 31, 2005, 10:02:00 am »
      //Hmmm, I didn't know Cole read dwarf...whistles, with a smug look, as he walks away.


      RE: Training Offered
      « Reply #6 on: October 31, 2005, 01:18:00 pm »
      ////gah!.... I'll have you know, If I'd known about the whole language ear thingy when I first started Layo, I'd have submitted for a dwarven ear since Cole was apprenticed to a dwarven bookkeeper!  Not to mention (and I know you don't believe this, but it's true), he has a 16 int, so he technically could have known three languages other than common had he the excuse to learn them.
      *sticks tongue out*  yeah, so there.....

      ......  err... but no, Cole doesn't read dwarven....  dagommet....  so let's just say he had a dwarven fellow read it for him.


      RE: Training Offered
      « Reply #7 on: October 31, 2005, 02:11:00 pm »
      //LoL and I'm starting to understand the gnomish lenses a bit more...accounten *jaw drops* hun, hun runs to find his Character Bio, fer a good laugh ;)
      and you can get the ear by asking if ye put in into yer bio anyways or else RP it a while with a dwarf IG and then just ask a DM once it's approved in yer CPs' evolution thread :)