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Author Topic: *Letter to Florah, Tax Lady Of Hlint*  (Read 64 times)


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*Letter to Florah, Tax Lady Of Hlint*
« on: November 24, 2005, 08:51:00 pm »
Dear Florah,

I am deeply concerned by the inexplicable disappearance of my belongings from the vaults of the Hlint branch of the Layonara World Bank.  The Vault Keeper has offered no satifactory explanation for the loss of my goods, but I find it highly suspicious that everything should disappear so soon after I left a highly valuable uncut diamond in my lock box.  Upon reflection it may have been foolish of me to deposit such a sought after item, but the bank had never given me any reason to doubt their security in the past.

While I have little hope of recovering my possessions, I request that you act in your official capacity and conduct a full audit upon the Hlint bank.  You may be able to find the cause of my distress, where I will hardly do any good arguing with the bankers.  I can not threaten them, so I ask you to act on my behalf and insure no citizens of Hlint are being defrauded of their treasured possessions.

I include a list of items that went missing in the hopes that this will aid you in your search through the banks ledgers:

One uncut diamond
One uncut sapphire
One uncut garnet
Three ingots of iron
One needle
One sewing kit

I appreciate your aid in this matter.


Victor Firefall


RE: *Letter to Florah, Tax Lady Of Hlint*
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2005, 10:31:00 pm »
//ooc:  Victor I have seen your request in the proper area.  We are researching what happened with your items. Please have patience and give us some time.