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Author Topic: Mila's Image Boutique - Now Hiring!  (Read 43 times)


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    Mila's Image Boutique - Now Hiring!
    « on: October 17, 2006, 04:25:06 pm »
    "As you travel along the road in Hlint, you pass an advertisement that several townspeople are shredding into tiny pieces."

    Mila's image boutique is now open! As you may know, I am the princess of one of the greatest noble families in Layonara, and through my benevolence, I have opened a new store in the Hlint craft hall. You, ordinary citizen, can stop by and have an audience with my greatness as I give you advice on how to look your best! (for a nominal fee, of course) My beauty alone will inspire you to look fantastic, and I am skilled in the art of fashion. Of course, I cannot run such a fantastic operation myself. That is why I am giving you the once in a lifetime opportunity of working for me in my business! I know, the thought alone is too much to bear, and I am excited too! Just contact me in person or have someone send this letter back to me if you are shy. Best of luck to all! Oh and Rhynn sweety,you cannot work for me until you fork over that money... its long overdue.

    Your experience in the fashion world:
    Why you think that YOU should be given the opportunity to work under my greatness:

    Again, best of luck to all applicants!
    Mila Lyonard

    //evening all! If anyone is actually interested in working for Mila, please contact me in game or send a PM with a completed application. Also please note that Mila does not really have a permit to sell her services in the craft hall, thus what he is doing may not be classified as legal. :) Good luck!

    Lord Dark

    RE: Mila's Image Boutique - Now Hiring!
    « Reply #1 on: October 24, 2006, 01:49:06 pm »
    *Relyt walks by and notice the note*

    Wa?! Us ordinary folks eh? Well we grew up in a 'ard liofe, we wern't pampered! We are 'ard folks! *Relyt slams his axe into the note and stalks away*


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    Re: Mila's Image Boutique - Now Hiring!
    « Reply #2 on: October 24, 2006, 01:58:10 pm »
    *looks over the note*
    Milia Milia Milia. I've heard that somewhere....
    *after ten seconds of thinking J'ser bursts out laughing*