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Author Topic: A Wilderness Scouts Observations.  (Read 76 times)


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    A Wilderness Scouts Observations.
    « on: November 07, 2006, 06:34:18 pm »
    Written on plain parchment, with a neat and clearly read common language. It is left on the message board for others to read and leave their notices.

    “Dear Neighbors,

          I have been traveling all across Mistone by myself recently, sneaking unseen as I’ve explored dungeons and what not. And it appears to me at least that things just are not adding up. I mean I have been trying to track down the source of these ‘Phase Gnolls’ as they are being called. I’ve also been keeping an eye out for the ‘Shadow Men’ that caused such a stir recently, which I have noticed have disappeared just has quickly as they showed up. And many stranger things at night have I noticed moving about the Sielwood as well lately.

       Yet in other places where if some evil force was on the rise in Mistone that I’d expect there to be change, there is none. While strange things happen in the Sielwood proper, in the Broken Forest it is the same as always. In the Vampire Crypt below the caves of the Nameless Dungeon, the Vampire Guards just continue their rounds with no change in their routine, no preparations being made. The same in the High Moors, as the Blood Clan of Lizard Man do as they always have, mining tin and precious stone in their temple. The tribes of ogres in the Blood Desert keep at what they do, and have not moved on Spellguard, which you’d expect them to do with Haven’s recent Gnoll Problems as it is an easy target. But they are not.

       Also this plague and the quarantines it has caused trouble me.

       So I’m thinking its time for a conference of sorts to be held, perhaps at the Hlint courthouse. Where everyone with any relevant information can come, be heard, and hear what others know. And maybe we can all have at least more of an idea of what exactly is and is not happening.

    Signed- Uilliam SeeksPeace.”


    RE: A Wilderness Scouts Observations.
    « Reply #1 on: November 08, 2006, 12:38:33 am »
    *another unsigned post is added by a bedraggled and well travelled scout formerly in the employ of the MAS*

    Not all are born to scout, it takes skill and brains, and knowledge of the land. Take me, I dont like to sound my own horn (oh really!)but I have seen some changes. If you know where to look, they are out there. For example Saw a trail of fire and burned out ash down Llast way. I did not dare track it south but I believed it to be something large and hot passing. New creatures lurking in strange places, traps and defences added where people been prodding too hard. It is out there, say maybe you need a little training, I do a good rate.


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      Re: A Wilderness Scouts Observations.
      « Reply #2 on: November 08, 2006, 07:32:11 am »
      Responding with a missive of plain parchment folded over, and a small wax seal. The letter is pinned onto the last message left. It reads in common with a carefully written hand.


      I am sorry that I have nothing other to call you by, as your reply revealed no name. I can only hope you will find this reply where I left it.

      I would be extremely eager and grateful for any chance to be taught and learn under the guidance of an expert in the field. While I'm sure what rate you would charge is more then fair, I'd have to be upfront in that I rarely am a person with much True in the World Bank's vaults. And with as lean as crafting resources are becoming, and with the greater difficulty to work with the materials to be had, I am not in much of a position to barter items either.

      However Sir, I am a determined man, and a hard worker. I will gladly take on doing whatever task you need done, no matter how mundane or the risk. From delivering messages across the continents, to menial labor, to even house cleaning. I am willing to do what I must to become an expert in the field of Wilderness Scouting.

      I'd like to believe I am a good student, who does not question needlessly, and listens to directions. And hope that you could sincerly take me on in a apprenticship given my merits. Thank you.

      Signed - Uilliam SeeksPeace"