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Author Topic: *Oholibama's message*  (Read 91 times)

Trace Nightwind

*Oholibama's message*
« on: January 31, 2006, 01:18:55 am »
* If you walk by the wild surge inn, you see a pixie waving at you.  He speaks to you*

"I am sorry to bother you, but Bama wants me to convey this message to all who pass here...I would much rather be frolicking in the forest or flying amongst the clouds, but he is my master and all...*snorts and crosses arms* anyway, he said to tell the adventurers of Hlint in his own words it goes *Assumes a very dwarf-like stance, sticks out its belly, and speaks in its lowest voice*
"I be needin te tell ye te be prepared.  Though I be away fer a while yet, the last battle be imminent.  I do be seein the signs and know it te me bones.  Now be the time te unite with each other toward this here vile enemy, Blood and 'is minions.  I will be away fer a while yet, sortin out some things that must be sorted out, but I will be comin again, and when ye see me, know ye will be seein the battle comin at me fat heels.  Me fireball and lightnings will be with ye in that fight, but will ye be there too?  Will ye stand fer good and the salvation o the world?  Prepare yerself wisely and be watchin the skies."
*The pixie nods and closes its mouth looking grim but satisfied*

"I hope you listened well.  
*assumes a solemn demeanor and stares you straight in the eyes*  
Oholibama was a Wizard of the High Council, friend of Ozymandias Llewellyn.  He may be fat, but he knows what he is talking about!

*Waves you onward and flutters up to the roof, to wait for the next passer by.*


Re: *Oholibama's message*
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2006, 06:45:56 am »
*With his typical grin plastered on his face, Cole listens to the pixie in full, then bursts out laughing*  

"Aye!  The final battles be comin'.  And what a messenger, ha!"


Re: *Oholibama's message*
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2006, 06:46:20 am »
*Sin'dolin stolls by the Inn and sees the note.He smiles after he reads it and walks on*
Let your return be soon Dwarf.


RE: *Oholibama's message*
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2006, 06:49:11 pm »
*smiles after listening to the pixie*

Oh Master Bama where have you been...Twixel been wondering what happened to friend dwarf. Hurry back...
Twixel be ready to fight but would be happy to have Master Bama near his side for help...

*walks away whistling*


Re: *Oholibama's message*
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2006, 06:59:19 pm »
Hi Trace, good to hear from you.