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Author Topic: Illegally Parked Elemental  (Read 66 times)


Illegally Parked Elemental
« on: April 11, 2006, 12:59:59 pm »
To the owner of one slightly used wild surge elemental.  This creature seems to have been abandoned by it's owner near the Yew tree.  When we approached it to ticket it for removal it reacted violently.  This really is a rather dangerous creature and was quite bothersome.  It's gone now but it killed half our party.

//This thing appeared to be leftovers from some previous DM chastisement of someone seeking Yew.  It's dead now, but, hehe, it killed both of the guys with axes for cutting wood.  Kavil and Esi got to look at the tree and reflect on the merits of the martial weapon feat before making the long walk home.


Re: Illegally Parked Elemental
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2006, 03:32:02 pm »
// new things move into places all the time. Its a dynamic changing world. Do not expect it to always be the same each visit. This was not a dm "chastizing" anyone... He moved in and set up residence an update or so ago as well as many other changes to make east the high level place it was intended to be.

